Neltharion armor set xmog

I feel bit disappointed, I am hoping that they will continue to add the rest of the armor set and make it a cosmetic set for all users especially Evokers. If this only set that we are getting, its would be real miss opportunity on Blizzard part. I mean look at this armor overall.

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Blizzard devs legit are creatively bankrupt, i guess Riot stole all of their employees?

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Too much gold.

Can’t wait for it to have a .01% drop rate! (sarcasm alert)

Ooof… that is an odd looking thing and odd choice to do as partial. What will t hat even fit lol

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for incomplete set ><

Smaug disagree.

That would be nice for evokers well the shoulders anyway.

…what? They’ve done something like this before (just adding a couple pieces from a boss NPC here or there). The cloth Archimonde mini-set. The Garrosh shoulders. The Za’qul shoulders. I have no idea what you think creativity has to do with it, since they obviously designed those NPCs in the first place…

Nothing lacks creativity more than xmogging an entire set.

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Anyone remember the secret argus plate and cloth set? Yea…:scream:

Apply this to the Tusks of Mannoroth from Garrosh, Archimonde’s helm, shoulders, and belt from Hellfire Citadel, Xavius’s shoulders in the Emerald Nightmare, etc.

its a reskin of

helm might be new

Seems strange it’s gold/yellow when it should be bronze/brown considering Dragonflight’s dragon colors. :thinking:

Looks to belong to the Red Dragonflight. :dracthyr_comfy_red:

those armor set are just ugly.

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They look better on females.

Gunna be the new tusks, lol.

without the set, its not even worth farming.

I mean it’s like Xavias’s leather shoulders or the tusks… just random shoulders with no set to go with them.

its bad… and i know why, because we are gonna be able to tmog it… thats why its bad, if it was exclusive to his model i’m sure it would have been amazing because when the nice things are only ever truly done when its not for us to use