NElf Skin Colors

I’m having a GREAT deal of difficulty finding the color I prefer for my characters. Currently I managed to get it on one. It’s a pale blue that, when you select it, almost looks greenish. Is there, ANYWHERE, a list of the skin colors with, like, a number? An identifier? Something that says “This one is item # blah blah”? I’m guessing not … so is my only option to roll a character with the color I think is what I want, run her to another zone with “regular” lighting, find out it’s not what I wanted, rinse/repeat?

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play shadow priest or druid and never think about visual again

All of my Night Elves are this color in Legion & Classic. It’s the darkest and most blue color that they have. I’ve been using this color for several years now.

It just depends on the lightning. Some places I like purple. Other places I look gray/grey. And in other places I look blue.

So, I just stopped worrying about it. I once went back to the create screen and I did choose the right color blue. It’s just the way WoW handles lighting in the game.

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I like the sickly green/grey.

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I feel you. I remember being put off when WoW first came out that they seemed to change the nightelf skin tones from more of an earthy blue/purple with brown undertones to straight up Easter egg pink and other pastel colors.

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I like the one I picked, it is basically a pale purple, I also like the one that is kind of bluish.

My only regret is I sort-of wish I picked one of the facial markings, but other times I am happy with the lack of markings. On my druid I gave her the face markings that look like green leaves on her eyes though.

Also I am not completely opposed to the idea of being able to re-do your skin color/face/hair style/hair color as a paid service. I don’t support anything silly like class or faction changes, but if they wanted a way to help Classic make some extra money to keep it strong from a financial standpoint, they should consider cosmetic changes (not adding new stuff, just a re-do of what is already available on character creation, no gender changes though and definitely no name changes).

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