we’re getting nightborne-blue nelf skins, and green-hair dwarves. i don’t whether to be excited, or confused by these additions. but, more options are better than less, i suppose. love all the tattoos we’re getting! the shadow-the-hedgehog-chest-tuft tattoo’s a little odd, but again, more is better than less!
edit: i coulda swore some of those hair colours for the draenei are dk hair-colours. the new, darker purple and blue skin tones are pretty sweet though.
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I’m more annoyed I have to “RP” as a Wildhammer Dwarf as a Bronzebeard, but atleast we get the customisations…
My hope if we have Wildhammer tattoos it says we are a Wildhammer Dwarf instead the race title Dwarf… I’ll have the same Racials, just give the race title please Blizzard I’m begging.
I wasn’t sure what I’d want to level 1-60 in sl, but I’m digging that gray nelf now
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Tattoos are awesome. Eye color choices are very welcome. Stoked to see the bright orange and yellow hair colors from the classic days making a return. Super pleased to see the new range of skin tones being added. Husband perked up and asked if beardless options were going to be added since that’s what covered the tabards before (and presumably chest tattoos). Looks like yes, maybe?
Now that we’ve got our earth (Bronzebeard), fire (Dark Irons), air (Wildhammers), we just need the water (Frost Dwarves) to complete the elements! =D
No comment on the elves (any of them) other than oohing at their new tattoo designs.
Everything looks great so far, glad to see female draenei got longer tails finally too. I was sort of hoping they’d get another tail option that’s… thicker I guess?
More like the males’, where its plated. I know I’ve seen art somewhere of that and I absolutely loved it.
y’know what’s weird? i coulda swore some of those hair colours for the draenei are dk hair-colours. the new, darker purple and blue skin tones are pretty sweet though.
They probably are, night elves are getting the bright pink hair that’s typically only for DKs.
Have you seen that TAIL!?!?!
yeah. it’s not for me. more interested in the tones, than the tail.
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Cant wait to see the final round of customization. Hoping for huge beards.
I can’t wait to see the jewelry I heard they’re adding. I hope the lightforged get it, too.
The tail is from their early, early concept art from BC that never made it to live.
People have been wanting longer tails since BC.
makes sense of the draenei corpse-pikes in WoD, i suppose. sad, but… y’know. i mean, i love my draenei, but the tails on the WoD-piles were longer than we got right now.
night elf male NEEDS
i repeat NEEDS
I’ve seen this image for YEARS
why can’t i make this?
https: //geek culture. co/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/WoW-Classic-Interview-Featured-385x300.jpg
i can’t add links to my posts and it doesn’t say why, gee that’s so cool
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Your trust level on the forums isn’t high enough. You can put a ` on either side of the link instead of breaking it.
give night elf males big beards ty
Draenei should get lightforged horn options
And options to change the jewelry on their tails/body
They could also get some scar options. Or maybe a pink color eye glow.
Valen has pink eyes, surely he can’t be the only one?
Males could also have their horns and hair styles separated. That would be nice imo
They could also add options to have jewelry on their horns
I’m a Horde player but the dwarf customizations look good imo. And the NE tats are nice. Dreanei are O.K… I do like one of the new skin colors.
Can’t wait to see the orc, troll and forsaken customizations tbh. Dying to see what the orcs get. I want to see what tribes I can make my trolls. And really want to see my forsaken Elvira hair style and skin. 
Also getting the pale night elf skins, effectively giving Alliance highborne. Nobody seems to be talking about that, only Horde getting a “high” version of their main elf, but Alliance is getting that also. 
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Shendralar have been a part of the Alliance since Cata, so it makes sense.