Neighborhoods are unecessary and pointless for most players

“Trespassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot again.”

“With the rising cost of living, ammunition is too expensive to waste. No warning shots.”

“No trespassing. We’re running out of room to hide the bodies.”

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I agree with you that free would help, in FFXIV it’s not lol. For new players the prices can be a bit much.

I imagine if there was a dynamic ‘phased’ ward that might be easy to keep people in it, because it’d always be picking active players. Maybe everyone has a physical address and can optionally turn on dynamic phasing. (Physical as in you’re on instance 8, Elwyn forest slot 5).

Id personally still prefer more diverse locations over being in a neighborhood, but I think allowing people to choose to be in one is fine. The majority of them are dead but there are a few that are full of incredible houses, that are socially ran (many are clubs lol). I feel if you had it as an option it will further funnel those who want to be there vs “I guess this is my slot cause I want a house”.

You kinda do though…

I made a lot of wow friends just seeing them everyday. They become familiar and eventually, approachable.

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Truth. Just let people put their house in the zones they want to live in. None of this backdrop nonsense, neighborhood half joking HOA nonsense, some of you people actually are insane enough to roleplay as HOAs and thats extremely concerning all on its own and a huge reason why we should not be going through with the neighborhood idea.

Now if we’re going to go through with it anyways then fine but also just let me pick the zone I want. If I want to be a hermit somewhere in the middle of nowhere on Argus then let me do that. I don’t particularly enjoy being around other people anyways.


Hoping the neighborhoods having some sort of group progression with 49 randomly assigned people actually encourages interactions between them. WoW has enough content where you see people once, they say ‘gg’ , and you never see them again.

Even weeklies to run dungeons/TW or group quests with neighbors would be something. Neighborhood raid night when?

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Neighborhood block party. Or the ever popular winter veil house lighting contest.


don’t worry for the stalkers, It’s Azeroth, not real life, but I’d still like Blizzard to make a reference to the video game Neighbours from Hell.

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You are still going to have that same issue as a vast majority of neighborhoods will be ghost towns pretty quickly. Outside the 1 in a million random neighborhoods that pop off only the Guild and friend neighborhoods will remain active.


Wait. I thought they said they would have private neighbourhoods as well?

hopefully they will unleash the beast with this and let everyone go to thier favorite part of the game and if the spot isnt claimed, - claim it for themselves and start building.

I kinda like the idea of rogues being able to lock pick the home and break in and steal things, i think that would be funny as heck. I can see it now, our warbank cash is now sitting in our “home” and rogues can pick pocket our gold vaults lol

I love the idea of neighborhoods especially in regards to guilds.

Personally I would love it if they made a guild neighborhood that has a shared guild castle in the middle fully customizable by the GM and those given permission and then 20 random houses from various members. If you enter your property you just phase over to your home.

That would be the garrison. They should have just had the garrison be updated for every expansion (herbs, ores, etc)

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Difference you will be able to actually decorate your own house. Garrison was never player housing. It was more like a quasi base building from the RTS.

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If you can do that, hunters should be able to lay traps against burglars like you. And you would be punished when caught… like spend a week on jail.

Because the thing that keeps people playing MMOs in the long run are the social connections they make in game. I want more people to find the joy that exists in actually talking with the people around them rather than treating each other like NPCs.

I’m not saying they can’t, I’m saying the game should do everything in it’s power to encourage you to be social. I think more things should encourage grouping, and talking, and trading.

Call me a radical, but I think you should have to play with other people in a Multiplayer game.


Can do that without locking the house into ghost towns with limited opportunities. Just for example FFXIV does have events in a ward, it’s just a singular ward (Ishgard NPC area), ensuring at least some interactivity. It’s not that much to be honest, but at least you do see people. Because to support the player base (which it is actually not doing right now), they have so many locations and so many wards that people are so spread out… it does not do what the devs hoped it would do. Keeping in mind for us, many of these houses are owned by a guild - meaning for us we have a higher chance of interacting, rather than just one person.

My big worry with WoW is that there are ways to make people return, but the key word here is make. It’s going to be so good that you will feel like Garrisons, you have to go back. Particularly problematic if it’s set to specific times to capture people being in the same place at the same time (oh your event is when you’re sleeping? That sucks for you). If you don’t have to be there together, then it all still goes back to “this didn’t need to be a system then”, because you are not capturing the social element by forcing people to do quests alone in a shared space, you’re just locking down the opportunities (so on one hand it should require people to be together, on the other the system will die or be horribly frustrating if it did that- making honestly just an annoying idea).

On top of that if it’s not scaled in clever ways you’ll easily build animosity to your neighbors, as the system is essentially a forced static and if your static sucks you’ll be upset. I hope it’s either really scale able and casual or it has ideas like being able to be a volunteer in a other neighborhood, so you can just be like “pick me an area that is busy/cool, and I’ll do the content”. Which again goes back to why I think being hyper fixated on neighborhoods is just a mistake. A cool opportunity for a small, small, subsection of the game, a huge opportunity loss for most (again speaking from years of experience with this type of system).

Also to your first point I think there are a lot of 'back in my day" thoughts, that are regularly and popularly shown to be exactly that. With your solo able stories and your delves and such. I think many (not saying all) are looking for a epic scale RPG with some social elements. But needing to be bound to another person, vs being encouraged to… Different ideas. Wildstar’s system was a really good example of huge power, huge potential to be social. You had a massive personal plot (with total control), you could choose to dock it into another player’s for a huge huge plot, and systems encouraged you to visit your friends but you didn’t really need to.

Not necessarily. When it comes to this game, it’s more of sunk cost and the attachment people have to their characters that has kept it going.

Not everyone finds it joyful to talk to other people. And I would argue that it’s the community itself that has driven people to be anti-social.

Part of what made this game popular back in the day was in fact that it had solo content unlike most other MMO’s.


Which is why developing systems that encourage socialization is good. It can help remedy parts of the community that have deteriorated. The fact of the matter is, that if you’re a casual player, there is practically no community for you to engage in. Hardcore players are far more ingrained into the social fabric.

The game needs something to bring casual players into the fold.

I’m never going to argue that solo content should be removed, I just think the game would benefit from rewarding group play a little more. There should be things that are cool, that you cannot get solo.

Unless we are constantly being shuffled around into different public neighborhoods to be around other currently active players… neighborhoods will be pretty empty at all times for most players. Guild neighborhoods will likely feel lively but public ones will feel empty.


I just wanted a nice little place in Bel’ameth, and a cozy home in Eversong for my mage.

But, I’m not going to knock the system before I’ve even seen it.