Need Warrior advice on Berserker Stance

Did my level 30 Warrior quest and got the Whirlwind Axe. Been leveling/tanking as Fury thus far.

Is it time for me to relearn Warrior? Should I be mostly in Berserker Stance now? Should I respec Arms for Sweeping Strikes?

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Whirlwind Axe is best as Arms with Sweeping Strikes and particularly good once you get MS. 2H Fury is viable, especially as Horde since you may have access to Windfury, but I’d recommend going straight Arms to take full advantage.

As for stances, Battle Stance to charge and put up Sweeping Strikes, swap to Berserker Stance for Berserker Rage, Whirlwind, and of course the extra crit. Swap back to Battle Stance when Overpower procs on Dodge. Rinse repeat.

Well I respec’ed to Arms, and Berserker Stance is still a puzzlement to me. At level 30, it doesn’t seem to be any better. It only serves to take away my Rend, right as I spec into improved Rend. Am I missing something? Or is it more of a 36+ when I get my first move that’s Berserker exclusive?

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Improved Rend really isn’t all that great and the damage falls off even worse the later into the game you find yourself.

At the level you currently find yourself at you will 100% have the best experience IMO leveling as Arms with Axe Spec. I had no problem tanking dungeons through ST with that.

Berserker Stance shines once you get WW. And believe me, there are few things in this game as satisfying as a WW with Sweeping Strikes.

I never used Berserker Stance until I got WW.

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You’ll start to really notice a difference when you get Whirlwind. Rend itself sucks even if you spec into it. The only reason you do is to get to Impale later in the tree. Rend doesn’t scale with AP yet and at max it only bleeds for like 196 over 20s iirc.

since you have the whirlwind axe you will see a massive change when you reach MS and I would still suggest arms over fury at this point for axe spec and sweeping strikes.

Even in end game I roughly stay in Berserker stance 90% of the time while doing anything other than farming. You get a charge out for the starter rage and then battle stance is pretty dead outside of overpower and activating sweeping strikes with the VERY limited use of thunderclap.

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