Continuing the discussion from Need to upgrade but idk computers:
Hello. Buying a new computer? Right now, there are several major hardware releases eminent, or taking place. It would be good to let the dust settle before buying.
Thanks for the info. Feel free anybody to update me when it happens.
What’s your budget? We can at least get you started in the right direction.
I wouldn’t feel good about spending much more than 500 for a new computer
$500 is going to be pretty tough for a pre-built system. If you’re willing to put the PC together yourself it’s always going to be more cost efficient.
Check out pcpartpicker site or the buildapc subreddit to help you if you’re interested in building your own.
If you don’t want to go that route, there are options like NZXT’s BLD service. Though it seems their starter entry is $700. Dell has the G5 towers I believe. There’s a lot of budget gaming prebuilts out there, but $500 is going to be tough to find I believe.
Yeah, I’m just a little wary about building a computer as it seems more susceptible to not working properly. I’ll probably just wait a year or two to save up for something like you mentioned. Thanks for the info.
If you are struggling at the lowest setting already things won’t improve for you one shadowlands launches. At your price point, the best bet would be to get a refurbished PC. Then purchase a SSD for the game and video card that runs off Mobo power.