Need to fix RSS boosting/teaming (added evidence and how it works)

OK, now watch, here comes the RMT Boosting defenders! hehe


I am starting to believe all of these RMT defenders are boosted people, covering their own tracks. They love their boost, it gives them authority back in their own guilds to speak on things. HEY, he is a Gladiator so he knows what he is talking about lol.

Authority in a fake world haha, like back when guilds were a thing, those officers were probably the ones making your hamburger… HEY Guild officer, I want a number 3 no onions please lol.


There are literally websites that advertise boosting for this stuff its not a conspiracy.


I’m thinking they are employed to do it. They are relentless.

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RMT selling ratings boosting is part of the Multi Million dollar industry, would make perfect sense.

I highly doubt PvP makes up even a small part of that “multi million dollar industry”, most people can get mogs and titles easily now through Shuffle and there’s very little interest in the deflated ladder.

As someone who plays Classic casually also, there are a ton of people who openly talk about buying gold on my server so i’d say that’s where a majority of their income is from.

I don’t doubt Solo Shuffle boosting exists via pilots, but it would be such a small portion of people dumb enough to do that so I doubt you’d ever really encounter them as often as you think you do.

Case closed, blizzard handles it now. Just move on. Stop threatening OPs of troll report, please.

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OH yeah, the RMTs making posts about taking rewards away from Solo Shuffle, not forcing the player base into that horrid system to get farmed is costing them money. Glad mounts sell for 800 bucks a pop, they sell hundreds of them per season. And since rated 2s n 3s is nothing but Glads vs Glads, super swetty games or pre agreed games, its hard for them to keep it hidden without the player base as cover.

Keep posting it, the majority of players KNOW you are full of it, all of you RMT selling ratings defenders.

Somebody needs a refill on that antipsychotic prescription


I never called it a troll or reported it, all I said was that it’s a entertaining conspiracy theory that solo shuffle boosting is an actual problem.

OH they are mass reporting these post… Woke up this morning and a bunch of my posts were flagged and restored.

Talking about RMT has them very very upset! So its working! And be careful what you say, they need one insult, or any excuse to try and silence you. Do not be baited off topic or into insults, thats their bait.

I looked at like the first three. Each one explained it as a pilot, none of them talked about manipulating queues.


Sure it is.

I have noticed that the RMT defenders keep trying to direct the messaging to Piloting also. Seems they dont want us talking about the Queue hacks. Its NOT solo Queue atm when its 3 randos vs 2 Glads and a carry all in voice selling RMT ratings working for websites.

Right now RSS is their money maker and they do NOT want you talking about it.

See, it’s possible for 2+ people to try to snipe a buyer (or “friend”) to feed them wins, it’s just…inefficient. Imagine the order comes in for a 1200 player to reach 1800 but they don’t want to give up control of their account.

That’d be expensive. You’d have multiple people deranking chars just to queue into them

This whole thing isn’t saying that it can’t exist, just that it’s unlikely because of how inefficient it is.


Ken there is something going on, because when ever I talk about RMT Glads Manipulating the solo shuffle queues, I get mass reported and flagged. So its hitting a nerve.


It’s not outside the realm of possibility that it’s for spam my formerly fox friend. :dracthyr_love_animated:


No that could never be. they have to be rmt’ers. Only the guys calling out rmts are legit and would never post rmt sites, like advertising.

Due to the placement system of RSS, if you get 10 games of 6-0 in a row, you already have MMR 3000 and every game gives you hundreds of CR, so it is not inefficient, it is actually too efficient. Since there is no penalty for decline a queue, they just need to make sure they only join their own boosting lobby, that’s it.