Need The Most Up To Date Affliction PVP Guide

I have tried using youtube and Icey Veins but they are out of date. Does anyone know where i can find a up to date guide? A guide with rotation, tops stats, top comps, and top gear to get. I do use Murlok as well.

This guy is a fantastic affliction player. Has some guides but if you go into his stream he would be more then wiling to help you and explain on the spot.


thanks for posting this

All three specs stack haste/vers.

No they do not.

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For pvp yes they do.

For affliction, your broad stats are

DR Softcap haste (30-33%)
Mastery 55-75% (preference depending on embellishment / versatility)
Rest into Versatility

It’s all preference. But for output and based on ladder no, you will not want only haste vers, you will reach a point where your damage is not creating pressure because of such high uncapped healer output. mastery is your strongest modifier across the board and is the only thing that will allow your raptures to have pressure on or outside SR, sinking all your secondaries into a DR’d haste for micro seconds of gain is a huge loss when your talking about a 30% DoT and Rapture margin before dread touch and soul rot tier / bonus are even accounted for. And that trade off of 30% mastery over baseline is the equivalent of 5% haste after softcap, Which is like a .07 - 0.1 second reduction in cast time.

If you’re referencing shuffle afflictions, without a doubt 90% of them do not play it on ladder, and are geared demo destro.

For affliction you gem/enchant gear haste/vers and only grab mastery on pieces that don’t have haste.

You should probably look at murkokio where it shows the top 50 warlocks in each bracket.

They are stacking haste/vers

Murlock .io/warlock/affliction/3v3

Echoing this

Good pvp guides are hard to come by these days. Seeing good gameplay/critiquing your own gameplay and asking questions will probably help you the most

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First example is Lang and his 5 alts all in rank one range on affliction only, playing 29% haste 85% mastery. And like I said, this is a bad example, because walrik, shards, fungi and a couple others in the top 10 alone don’t play affliction on ladder. They play destro and demo. Logging out as affliction or playing it in shuffle does not mean you’re running an optimal build when demo and destro run the exact same gear builds. And this site doesn’t account for that.

I’m not trying to press you at all, I’m just expressing how these sites can be misleading.