Need some dating advice guys

I met this cool guy back in 1994 and we hit it off right away, he made this cool game called warcraft and all I could think about was that. Soon after he made one called StarCraft which I couldn’t believe was even better.

It’s like he loved me so much, I got other games too like Diablo and then these things called expansions and while he didn’t invent them, he basically made them so much better than all the other guys he may as well have.

Anyway it’s been the love of my life but lately something has changed. He won’t tell me the end of his stories unless I play with a bunch of people I don’t know, he ruined one of his games by being greedy about wanting more money ( then he lied about it after! )

He’s got one more game coming out that I am looking forward too but he’s already upset me over that by ruining my favourite ways to play ( instead of improving other people’s) and I think he’s going to try and be greedy again and ruin this game too.

What should I do? I’ve loved him so long and thought he was the best guy on earth but now it feels like he doesn’t care about me or making me happy and just wants to do what he wants and try and control me.

I think I might be in an abusive relationship with the love of my life, Blizzard


Seek a real therapist


This really goes beyond my training as a crappy Orc forum poster.



I’m not a doctor but I play one on the forums. You need to send me all your gold and then I will give you the advice you so desperately seek.


you’re nta. if blizzard cared it wouldn’t have love bombed you with diablo and warcraft only to charge you money for their products. the only solution at this point is to get out of the abusive relationship and hang out with the much cooler riot games.

Sounds like a dirty greedy scoundrel!

Over 20 years is far too long to be dating though if you were a half decent and active player, he likely put many a ring on you over your time together. Plus people change over time. You aren’t married so you aren’t obligated to stay together. In fact, you don’t even need to be exclusive and, in fact, should play the field a bit.

Maybe if he sees you aren’t giving him any time or attention (or money), he may realize the error of his ways and start changing

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It ends in heartbreak always will I also was in such a relationship but am now moving out of it after the lying and cheating and just being a selfish jerk only listening to 1% of people.

Maybe it’s you and not him.


i was gonna make a comment about asking for dating advice from the forums, but uh… your on your own with this one OP.

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Have you tried texting them pictures of their house, late at night from weird angles?

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I think you need to break up and move on.

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Leave him. Divorce him. Block him on everything and never speak to him again. I didn’t read the post but this is what I recommend.


…what? >.>

(Lady Cyndi Lou whispers in your ear…)
“It’s a joke. Think about it for a second.”


Seek help?

Get help. It’s disgusting to equate willingly giving money to Blizzard every month to an abusive relationship.

To the people took me seriously and actually took time out of their day to reply.

Thanks for your valuable input, have a nice day.