Need some dating advice guys


Need some dating advice guys

Most excellent! As we don’t have btags on forums, I can give you this safely :slight_smile:

In the modern dating world, I have a rule, spend 3 months with getting to know someone first, before taking it to the next step. I don’t believe in love at first sight. I just don’t.

And…I stupidly read the rest of your post. And found this was nothing interesting at all.

Listen, OP, I am only going to play WoW next few months as I got nothing better to do.

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I heard carbon dating is excellent.

Internet relationships are almost always sus unless you get really lucky.

You should ask these sorts of questions of your family or friends, not a group of total strangers on a game forum.

What on Earth?

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Yeah until the carbon reservoir effect makes dating something inpossible!

Well, if it’s Blizzard, you can always offer up some milk.

Set you boundaries and don’t love head over heals in love ,you can still love a person regardless of the person treatment of you,just at a arm length away.

all i can says is dont date furniture salesman!

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