Need "#showtooltip" help from a Macro God please!

I’m trying to make a macro to use all 3 types of healthstones in 1 actionbar button, I currently have the following:
/use item:22105
/use item:22104
/use item:22103
this uses the healthstones in the correct order like I hoped it would, but it refuses to show item:22104 or item:22103 properly after the first HS is consumed, I’m trying to get the correct conditional to show me tooltips for items “ONLY” when they are in the backpack already.

Any help to solve this for me would be much appreciated.

Change it to a castsequence or use modifiers. One of the purposes of tooltips is to display cooldowns.

thanks for the response, I actually did think about a castsequence to use the healthstones while retaining the tooltip, but using a cast sequence would mean having to go through and doctor the macro between uses if in raid without access to all three stone types

If I’m not mistaken, #showtooltip only shows the first item or ability, unless in a sequence or using a modifier. If you don’t physically have those items in your bag, it won’t show the item. Macros are not allowed to be smart-selecting anymore. The best bet is to use a modifier key.

/use [nomod] item:22105
/use [mod:ctrl] item:22104
/use [mod:alt] item:22103

As you can see, I didn’t use the [mod:shift] modifier, because the Shift key is generally already used depending on different addons.

/use [mod:ctrl]item:22104;[mod:alt]item:22103;item:22105

That works too, and is much shorter.