Need Rolls & Future Warband issues

Current Need roll system in SL+ content is highly abused currently and moving forward with the Warband system allowing you to transfer loot to other characters I see this system needing a major balance.

You are supposed to be forbidden from rolling Need on an item that is inferior to what you have equipped or banked but that doesn’t actually happen. The Transmog loot selection is basically worthless in this system.

LFR and SL mog runs are a major pain.
Try collecting a STR sword as an AGI class? Nope.
Try getting an offhand mog as a non-caster? Nope.
Try getting a ranged weapon if there’s a Hunter in the group? Nope.
Try for a fair greed roll on a trinket/neck/ring? Nope someone will need roll and deny everyone the fair chance after waiting out the rolls.

A small fear I have for the account wide tmogs is if they dont tell you “You have not collected this appearance” while playing a class that can’t use that item. There’s a bit of room for human error in that scenario. “Oops! I thought I didn’t have it!”.
This could EASILY make the LFR Need/Greed loot system even worse. So ya hopefully they put some thought into updating the looting system… again lol

As it stands currently you can roll transmog on Leather if you collected that armor already on another Leather class. The system only checks if that specific character has unlocked the appearance for Transmog roll.

There are mods that help you here. Install one and the mod will tell you if you have it. Eventually this function could end up in the game itself removing the need for the mod.

The use of the mod is how I know that I already know the transmog. The game itself does not know that I have it and lets you still roll Transmog when you do.

The real problem is that people can roll need when they both have better items and the transmog collected and that denies people transmog AND upgrades in current content and on farming runs for last xpac content.