Why are pink transmog so rare in this game? it’s 2022 and look at our options. I remember in ffxiv both males and females could dye their gear pink if they wanted to. It’s crazy to me they are trying to be more “inclusive” but as long as it falls within their agenda; changing stormwind npc’s & changing paintings BUT they refuse to give what the players what they want; more customizable options. The general lack of pink transmogs just showcases that blizz doesn’t care because it doesn’t earn them $$$, I mean look at the transmog oufit in the blizzard store, does it really compare to what blizzard has been putting out from boss drops?
Gear art is certainly something some players really enjoy - go go transmog! I enjoy it too.
Another Council member, Maizou, is also quite into transmog and made a thread on the Council forum for the Art team’s consideration.
Here is a link to the thread and the Blizzard reply.
monkey’s paw curls
low res salmon armor granted
iirc the normal BRF pally set is mostly pink. it’s either that or heroic. i farmed it for my pallies because pink = pally power.
I guess that’ll bring all the druids to my yard.
Here you go, pink haired and loving it!
It’s not really pink though, more like purple.
I agree. More pink!!!
I keep reading the thread title as need more kink pls
Pally has a couple of nice pink sets like the power ranger ones from BC and the WoD brf mythic set but yeah, outside of BC pink is really lacking
The pink cloth set from BC is one of my fave
I think customizable options are lacking in general, you would think a mmorpg this old would have implemented it by now.
yeah… like more skimpy suit and bikinis armors
Blizzard needs more details like the she Kirians in Bastion.
I wish but i doubt that, you remember them trying to censor those paintings?
that doesn’t interest me, really in the hypocrisy of having angels Kirians in miniskirts and not very attired.
The Succubus and the thongs of the Shivarras.
And the Incubbus.
Knowing that Blizzard does not give its players the freedom to choose our outfit for each character.
Worse when we know that Moroes, Vannesa Vancleef, and Vaalera Sanguinar wear Clothe’s leotards in rogue class who wears leather and there are none in that style.
That’s why I tell you, that along with the detail of a pink item that is not a sock shirt in our gear, we need more variety and style like Final Fantasy XIV has.
More bright colors please
Things are way too dreary
You made some really valid points honestly. I don’t understand how they add Kirians in miniskirts, Incubus, and they have Shivarras. Yet, they somehow associate wanting freedom to choose our outfit as “sexism” It is really next-level hypocrisy.
that like other NPC’s we freely need that versatility, as well as not only using pink in the variety of any gear except shirts, but also white and light colors that help to have a better tone of an RPG.
As long as you don’t mistake Bastion’s mess.
Yea, we could really use some white and light colors.
What do you mean by Bastion’s mess?
We need more pink, mogs, hunter pets, battle pets, and mounts. More pink customizations for character would be great too!
Pink for all gear types and classes.
Didn’t know orcs love wearing pink