Need more dwarf warriors

Most ppl are boring.

At yer service.

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Thatā€™s because it makes no sense how an ambling skeleton can absorb large melee hits.

Cannibalism for levelling maybe?

Yeah that sword spec man. 3% hit is forever.

2/2 now.

Two dwarf warr tanks

Two great dungeons, noticing a pattern here



i remember back in the OG days dwarf warriors were some of the best players :expressionless: they didnā€™t care about no meta. they just wanted to be a fat, meat eatin, beer guzzlin dwarf.

Humans are better for PVE
Gnomes are arguably better for PVP

Humans get Sword/Mace skill == more deeps
Gnomes get escape artist = Frost Nova no problem.
Dwarves get Stone = Poisons and that hurts vs rogues and other warriors

Ooof You goofed it up picking male undead.
Undead female does a Bis flip animation for heroic strike.

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yes, male undead also look like dorks when they swim :expressionless: female undead bis

Oof indeed, I was not aware of that. Oh well, maybe Iā€™ll remember next time we get Classic fresh. XD

fools be sleeping on the value of stoneform as a warriorā€¦

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dwarf wars make decent tanks, once you get edgemasters.
Stoneform is a great racial for aq40/nax spider wing, you get 10 extra frost resist letting you slot more dmg/tank stats on saph/kt, and armor is one of your top 2 stats you need.

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Since when does Human lose it Sword/Mace racials in TBC?
They only just removed diplomacy from retail as well because ofā€¦tears.

You rang?

Female dwarf is BiS. Super cute in all gear, thicc, and stoneform is clutch.

I love dwarf for every class.


Iā€™m not a fan of Warrior playstyle personally but if I were to make one Iā€™d be a Night Elf or Gnome, favourite races in the game :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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When I first started playing I made a NE male warrior back in 2005, thought they looked the coolest. Was my main for over a decade.

NE Warriors have BIS 2h Animations.