I have a second account and love running two at once in world content. I only run one in instance content. Personally, I will never play more than 12 at max level, each class. But with two account, having 12 at max is about the same amount of work as playing 4 on one account, since world content is faster.
I have 50 SNES games sitting next to me on the shelf, now how many of those do you think I actually play or like to play? I play 6 of those games, many times throughout the year, the other games though…I don’t think I’ve touched them for several years. But the reason I don’t toss them, is because one day they might actually have value.
Same goes for having 50 toons or more on WoW. How many of them do you actually play and gear up, and care about? I’m not talking about time invested leveling, but more just, how much do you play those toons individually?
Now, I know you say it doesn’t really affect us, but it kind of does. I’ve seen other players advocate for individual player housing as well. So if they (Blizzard) works on those, then work is being taken away on actual quality of life improvements, such as class design and meaningful content.
I’d rather have them improve the game, rather than let players level their 60th alt that they never play past level 60 or 110. I’ve made a few allied races and leveled them up to 110 just for the heritage armor, but I don’t even play them anymore. The only allied race that I’ve leveled to 120 is a Panda DK, and she’s my new main.
Anyway, just asking that question, how many of those 50+ (if they did increase it) would you actually legitimately play and raid with?
You can have 40 on FFXIV. That’s pretty close to 50.
When Darkmoon Faire arrives, I run as many as I can to do their respective profession quests. For the Anniversary event, I parked all of them at the Lore Trivia NPC (imagine the pain of getting all of them down into Caverns of Time), making it easier to answer the daily questions for relatively easy XP. I just ran some low 50s to level 60 to buy flying.
I have deleted many characters over the years, some were meant to be a race that was introduced later (like Dark Irons and Mag’har), but I would rather reroll than pay the Race Change fee. Some were because I already had the same Race/Class combo, and decided to reuse the name on another class. Lastly, some were just deleted for space, before I got into multiple accounts.
If you want a taste of my world, my two main Alt guilds are Chosen Few on Terenas and Hyjal. Leader and Officers are all me.
if we’re on the we need more how about pet slots? can we have more of those for hunters?
If you’d happily pay for another 50 slots, then do so. Get that second account. (And there are advantages to having more than one account beyond just the additional slots. Trust me on this.)
Oh, and Darkdeceit? Leveling an alt is “legitimately playing it”.
I wholeheartedly support this as well. Data nerd mode on: Did you know that if you wanted to tame every type of cat in WoW, you could not? Starting in MoP, there were officially 1 more cat than you had stable and on-hand slots. (This includes cat-shaped Spirit Beasts)
i did not know that… but it’s a really cool and interesting fact!
Yea, the AV event brought many of my 90-110’s up to 120.