Need more character slots please!

I get that. Just as it’s hard for me to understand people who only have one character.

But I’m not going to begrudge someone something they want if it doesn’t affect me and try to say it’s unnecessary. Because I’m not them. And while I may not understand it, I see no reason to put down a request when it has no negative effect on me.

I never understood why people come into these threads to tell people this sort of stuff. It doesn’t affect them. So why even comment and make them look like there’s something wrong with the way they play, even if that’s not the intention? :woman_shrugging:t2:

Flag on the play! First off I didn’t put anyone down nor did I say it was unnecessary. I only asked people how they manage to deal with 50 different characters.

I have no problem with them expanding the number of character slots…

No no, I’m talking in general. Not about you specifically. My apologies.

Maybe they could itemize them, and allow players to sell them to other players. You know, like the WoW Token. That is, if their initial reason is for server space. it becomes a zero-sum experiment at that point.

More character slots! I support OP.


Actually, it was Ion that said it in a Q & A back when they used to do those.

Something like this would definitely have a negative effect on quite a few people if it ended up raising the sub fee.

Please show me how anything else implemented, from new servers, Connected Realms, the ability to have more characters on a server, new races, new content, etc has ever upped the sub fee.

Read the rest of the thread and stop insulting people.


I imagine anyone with this many “alts” has either:
-restartitus ( look it up lol ) and an unwillingness to let go of the past no matter how insignificant
-a biiig problem and is addicted to the game
-is doing something weird/shady with that act

No one can manage 50 alts to begin with and blizz knows this, esp since legion the game has never been more alt unfriendly and blizz doesnt want people playing alts. They do however want your money so no one should expect them to budge on this limit. Buy another act.

There has never been anyone who legitimately plays 50+ alts. No one has proved it yet.

I agree with their stance on this.

I don’t play that many characters but if are enough players who do play 50+ characters I’m sure it’ll be something they assess.

I’m having difficulty with 5. :sob: y’all are pros

Or alternatively, YOU could show Blizz how you actively play on all 50 characters on your account like they asked. The burden of proof is not on me, that ball rests solely in the court of people asking for more slots.

Burden of proof lol. How silly is that.

I’ve been playing since Vanilla and have been riding the 50-character limit for years. I LOVE leveling alts. I love trying new race/spec combinations. One time, I deleted a level 80 character (that was max at the time) just to reroll her professions. On many occasions, I’ve deleted a max level (or close) character just so I could level it again. Maybe change its appearance or try the opposite gender.

What it all boils down to is that is how I play. Not that Blizzard needs to cater to every single playstyle, but, again, some of us have been around for a very freaking long time and have amassed an army of alts that we enjoy. Do I play them every day? Hell no. But some people might.

There are also those of us who maybe started on a certain server. In my case, that server is Whisperwind. There, I have 2-3 alts that I keep for nostalgia. My characters that are forever locked at level 60 because that’s where I first began my WoW journey.

I eventually moved to my primary server–Executus. This is where I play Horde exclusively. I also am a roleplayer, so I have characters on WRA and MG. Somewhere out there, I have a locked level 80 character for capped Ulduar runs.

Just saying… different folks, different strokes. You (generalizing) don’t have to understand why I play the way I do no more than I have to understand why you play the way you do.

At the end of the day, it’s a simple and modest request. By god, if they can increase the bag slots by 4 (SHOCKING), they can throw us out a few extra character slots. 5? 10? Not a tall order.

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I doubt it. It’s not like there’s any more than a hundred people that are trying to push past 50 characters in this game, that’s a pretty absurd amount. More like they’re not increasing it because you guys are such a small subset of players, 50 is more than enough for the majority of people.

I am currently at 49. If they add new allied races I am going to have to toss some and I don’t think I have the stomach for it.

That shouldn’t be a requirement. Do you get rid of everything that has value in your life if you don’t use it constantly?

When it comes to you making claims that the price is going up because of some character slots, yes, that is on you.

You moved the goalposts. Try answering the question instead of dodging it with something entirely different.

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Considering old content and leveling is the only thing you have control of nowadays, it’s one of the few things many find fun (me included).
It feels like I am actually playing a game, rather than a casino-rng-system-bloated-mess.

So I am full on characters, with 15-17 level 120s and idk how many between 60 and 110.
I have more than one account as well, where I am full too.

Having issues with health IRL gives people a lot of time to play games, and I believe those of us who
A; Have those issues
B; Don’t really enjoy RNG-fest
are stacked up on toons as it is.

So an increase would be welcome.

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You are just not considering people and their different lives.
As I said above, some of us have health issues IRL and hence have a lot of time, some of us have played for 15 years and have unobtainables, some of us enjoy switching around.
What we have in common is clearly that we enjoy having lots of characters, and neither has to have anything to do with what you mentioned as your “3 reasons”.

Do you throw away everything you enjoy playing with in games and re-level it instead?
I mean, you could argue that is an issue too, where you have no attatchment to anything you progress on.

I am not entertaining you, forum troll. The bottom line is, when blizzard decides there needs to be more character slots, thet will implement it. Until then, if you want more slots you can always buy another account and the burden remains on you exactly where it should be.

Of course. No way to back up your claims this will somehow raise prices, so no way to back up your argument that this in any way negatively affects you, so you’ll resort to name calling. LOL

And guess what? The only way Blizz knows what we want is if we attempt to influence their decision and post about it. So we’re posting about it.

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You have 50 120s?