It’s done! Check it out below:
Hello ! Strausin here and I’m back again with another Class Chats casting call!
In this episode I’ll be freaturing: MAGES
So post below as your Mage character and I’ll pick a random selection to be in the video! All are welcome regardless of level, faction, or race.
Thanks !
If you’re wondering what this is all about here is a previous episode: Warlocks
By posting here you’re giving me permission to use your character as I see fit.
(There has been issues with people complaining as to how their toons were used, and this is here as a result)
Name - Server
- Akusai - Draka
- Alyxandros - Stormrage
- Bilbi - Agamaggan
- Clayd - Moonguard
- Clockwork - Blackhand
- Elimintaliti - Thrall
- Jereyne - Emerald Dream
- Kerathras - Dalaran
- Parker - Wyrmrest Accord
- Pootietang - Thrall
- Siardo - Illidan