Need Mages and Warlocks of all shapes and sizes

For two classes that are supposedly highly represented, I can’t get enough of them.

Our guild’s 40m in the Pagle Server (Alliance) is almost complete and I still need Mages and Warlocks, two of each to be exact. Interest in BGs and AoE farm/dungeons is a plus.

Join us and I will arm you to the teeth - let me know if you’re interested :ok_hand:

Im definitely down for AOE farming but I have never been able to bring myself to play a mage. Funny thing is I really wanted to play one because of teleport and portals. I just remember trying to level one in Vanilla and it wasnt fun, but watching videos of people AOE down huge mobs with blizzard always made me want a frost mage. Making their own food and water is huge too. So tempting.

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(Horrified face of shocked shockery)

I mean, just watch 10 seconds of this clip(time stamped) and tell me an experienced hunter doesn’t see a reason to play a mage beyond Food and Water. The victim was Cdub-my server’s highest ranked pvp warrior…

What is your guild and why should I choose it?

The music is awful. Also, 3 Minute Gimmick Mage, which nothing wrong with that, but not impressive either.

Your music is awful… :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

hmm id have assumed locks would fill up way faster

Should probably tell people what faction you will be playing as well.

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How many of each are you running in your 40m?

Is your guild Alliance? That would explain the lack of locks. I’m at a loss with lack of mages though. For stress test I woke in crypt with about a million or so locks and mages.

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Pagle has like a 7:1 alliance ratio right now. So yeah if if it was more balanced, despite being a pve server, I would’ve rolled a warlock on it

Me too. I didnt start one until BFA and it’s great.

It’s Pagle so I’m assuming it’s an alliance guild since Pagle is Allaince dominate

Woah that’s significant imbalance. Pve servers have always tended to favor ally but that’s pretty big. Is that an official ratio or just based on reddit survey?

It’s not official, that’s just a quick glance at the reddit forums, the member discord and the guild recruitment threads. I saw like 2 horde guilds recruiting and the rest were alliance

I guess alliance really likes fishing :fishing_pole_and_fish:.

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I have an alt saved for there since some retail friends said they will be very casual on Pagel. Horde side though.

I have a mage reserved on pagle. I’ll join you and your farming guild but only if ateish goes to me first :ok_hand:

I’ll be playing a human mage on pagle, my friend is playing a dwarf warrior. We joined your discord, and we’re pretty interested.

Those of you reaching out to me, thanks for the interest - here’s our public post for the guild, I hope our schedules line up and you can join: [A] <Unity> | Pagle | Semi-Hardcore | Tu/Th +Sun 8-10PM EST

Dooooo iiiiit!

You know, I’ve seen you post here and I like you - so look, we’re already friends hehe. Also, it’s a very ironic guild: [A] <Unity> | Pagle | Semi-Hardcore | Tu/Th +Sun 8-10PM EST

6Mage 5Warlock is the target since we have a Shadow Priest. And don’t worry about the gear overlap, the Shadow Priest is reserved things they need but low prio on Mage/Warlock gear.

First off - awesome, join me and together we’ll see your ignite on Loatheb. Second - Atiesh is prioritized equally among Mages first, not a GM’s friend or anything like that. Third - we’re targeting a 6 Mage comp. [A] <Unity> | Pagle | Semi-Hardcore | Tu/Th +Sun 8-10PM EST

You are awesome! Welcome to < Unity >!