Need macro help

this is what i have

/cast Mass Resurrection
/run local C if IsInRaid() then C="RAID" elseif IsInGroup(LE_PARTY_CATEGORY_INSTANCE) then C="INSTANCE_CHAT" else C="PARTY" end SendChatMessage("It's not yet your time champions, RISE! Rise and fight once more!",C)

it’s not working so well. what i would like to happen is post to chat that any resurrection spell i pick in this case mass resurrection that the spell is incoming so that people don’t release. and then post to chat a message. i would like to post that message if i am in a raid, instance, group. premade or looking for raid/group/instance.

im sure its the code someplace in there that i have messed up as im not the greatest at macros so any help would be gratefully appreciated

Nothing wrong is jumping out at me at a glance.

You can simplify the chat portion with Macro-Talk:

/cast Mass Resurrection
/gr It's not yet your time champions, RISE! Rise and fight once more!

yeah i was trying to write out the code and not use another addon. have so many issues with all these addons.