Need higher support for phone number change

While certainly appreciate, Canadiana, our staff will not be able to assist your friend through you.

Has your friend managed to put in a ticket? If so, do they have a ticket ID? If not, they should be able to use this:

If they have an Authenticator or has SMS Protect/Phone Verification on they’ll see options to use those. They need to look just below that to the blue box that says “Verify your account information”.

Answer those as best as you can, which will allow them to submit the ticket. They’ll include the information needed, note if they need an Authenticator removed as well.

We should receive that and send them a response asking for account specific information. They’ll need to open a new ticket with those answers and the previous ticket ID.

Edit: I do see that she was able to create a ticket about 2 weeks ago and she should have received the reply asking her to answer the account questions. A lot of folks get confused at that point and reply to the email. That doesn’t go anywhere we have access to, the return address is a dead mailbox.

Have her submit the ticket as illustrated above and provide those answers there. We’ll hopefully be able to get the account back in her hands quickly from there.