Hi. i’m new to wow classic. I signed up monday to try and am facing this problem. The game randomly closes and provides no error message.
Yesterday i played around 4 hours no crashes whatsoever, but sometimes it takes 10 minutes or even seconds.
I have searched some potential fixes none worked. I need help to work it out.
I have played wow retail before signing up to level 20 and no crashes happened.
I don’t know how to properly read this information and seen moderators ask for it sometimes so there you go:
Does it show any lines showing Fault Bucket at the end, seems cut off from the pastebin post.
Try running the scan and repair tool in the app launcher in admin mode.
Which drive do you have wow installed under?
I have run another dxdiag, it looks more complete
battlenet is under “C://” (ssd), wow under “D://” (hdd)
i dont know if thats the anwer u wanted
Besides scan and repair, make sure windows is up to date, and drivers. If scan and repair doesn’t work, reinstall as last option. I don’t believe the launcher and wow installs have to be same drive. If you have wow retail and classic installed use same drive as the installs share files.
And the hard drive might face load issues, it’s recommended to use ssd for the game.
Scan/repair didn’t work.
i uninstalled from hdd and reinstalled in ssd. Still crashed 
Windows and drivers are up to date.
Probably unrelated, but i noted memory leaks for wow classic and other programs, likely installing on the ssd is close to running out of space,
A few things your video drivers are almost a year old. How many monitors do you have connected. At this point more then a single monitor is going to be a lot for a 2060.
Oh well, need better gear then.
I just thought like i played wow retail for a bit without issues i could try classic aswell.
I’ll try getting a fresh windows install then a better ssd/gpu later.
Thanks for the help guys 
I would try disconnecting all but one monitor it’s very likely that the GPU is running out of memory
I found the problem in the brazilian section of wow forums, didnt know region forums existed.
Just to let you guys know, lol
There an application called “Warsaw” it’s a security app for internet banking for most banks here in brazil. I deactivated it and been playing without issues.