I have this macro, basically it gets me into travel form otherwise cat form but I am trying to add stealth into it, like if prowl is available it should prowl but currently its only working between travel form and cat form… any ideas? thanks /use [swimming,noform:3][outdoors,nomounted,noform:3]Travel Form; [indoors,noform:2][spec:2,noform:2] Cat Form; [stance:2, nostealth, nocombat] !Prowl; !Prowl
idk if thats possible.
This is what ive used forever. its my favorite macro.
/use [swimming,noform:3]Travel Form(Shapeshift);[outdoors,noform:3]Travel Form(Shapeshift);[indoors,noform:2]Cat Form(Shapeshift);[indoors,form:2]Bear Form(Shapeshift);[form:3]Cat Form(Shapeshift)
What does this macro do
Outside it turns you into your flight form. press it again to go cat. again to go back to flight form.
Indoors it swaps between cat and bear.
Dungeon where you can mount it turns you into the ground mount and then into a cat. same as flight form just with the ground mount.
have you tried adding prowl before it goes into cat?
Just curious if ya knew that you can cast prowl in other forms and it automatically shapeshifts you into cat first ? That’s normally how I’m going into cat (but ya need another button to put ya into cat in case you are in combat)