Need Help with Shadow Dance, Rotations and Keybinds

Hello Friends,

Decided to try out rogue for SL, waiting on the prepatch event for gear, but wanted to start learning rotations, abilites and keybinds.

One of the issues i am running into is Shadow Dance and Keybinds. When i hit shadowdance, it defaults to my stealthbar actions, instead of regular actions. What abilities should i be prioritizing immediately before and during shadow dance?

Can you guys share your keybinds so I can see some examples? I want to keybind stuff, but i still like the visual indicator on my action bar when i use the keybind lol

I’m on my phone atm so I can’t link the binds, however, wowhead has a great guide on how to play sub with its new update.

In general this is very acurate to want you want to accomplish both in and out of your dances.

But to answer at least for what you want to be doing during dance:
use shadowstrike on 1-2 target, shuriken storm on 3+, and spend combo points on eviscerate.

You want to avoid refreshing rupture or SnD duing dance, its much better to refresh them (even if before pandemic) to smooth out your rotation in dance.

Last big tip is that symbols of death has a huge impact on your output, and you should (as the guide I linked suggests) save your dances so that you can use them in tandem with symbols for big 30% increased damage!


Thanks very much man. This is awesome. Could i trouble you and ask what your keybinds look like? even a snapshot of your UI if it shows them?

Personally, I setup my stealth bar so it’s exactly the same as my unstealth bar. The only difference is I replace back stab with Shadowstrike. I also put Shadow dance on my action bar, for me it’s #2 and That is where i’ll put cheapshot on my stealth bar. If that make sense:P

Unstealth -
Stealth -

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Yes it kind of does.

I cant really tell the numbers for the keybinds from your SS though.


I baked Shadow Dance, Symbols of Death, and Shadow Blades into a single macro that will cast whichever ones are off cooldown, and keep all 3 in a vertical bar next to my main action bars to track the CDs.

I have zero idea if this was a good idea or not, but Sub has a lot going on compared to Assassin and this helps me manage it a little better. The damage is showing in BGs so :man_shrugging:

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Yea I do pretty much the same thing. My Shadow dance macro goes something like.
/cast Shadow Dance
/Cast Symbols of Death
/Cast Shadow strike
/use 13

That is because I use a MMO mouse with buttons on the side.
Same thing as 1-12 but instead the mouse uses the num-lock pad as the keybinds.

For keybinds I prefer using keys like “e” “q” “r” “1” “2” “3” and if I need more than that I will add shift infront. ex. “shft+e”

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Mine is similar.

/cast [stance:0] Shadow Dance
/cast Symbols of Death
/cast Shadow Blades

And I just realized that having Shadowstrike in there would be a great idea too. Thanks!

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I guess this will work because the abilites are not on the GCD?



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All of this has been so helpful, but still open to more UI/Keybinding suggestions.

I can show you mine once I figure out how to post a link

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Copy link from imgur and put a “`” at each end of the link

It will be looking like this hey

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`, tab, capslock are all great binds. (my mousewheel up/down is my tab targeting), capslock is a good modifier too, if you can set it up as a ctrl-type key in your pc settings

rebind your walk back key to walk forward. Backpedaling is for new players who don’t know better (or tanks who don’t want to jump and strafe to reposition bosses)

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get the addons: keybind, and bartender

Bartender will give you total freedom over what you see, where it is, how big it is, ect. (if it doesn’t have a cooldown, I don’t see it, if its a burst cd, Its a little bigger and on a separate row)

Keybind will let you bind keys with mouseover, so you can avoid the default interface.

My advice, make it look how you want, then bind stuff after

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Sorry to ask this a month later, but what addons are you using for your energy frames and icons around the center of your screen?

weak auras, the secret to PEAK performance