Need help with making a macro that lets me quickly report bots

Hello, i used to have a macro that was one click reporting bots but its broken now after blizz changed the way reporting works. Anyone knows how to make a similar one again?

Old macro:

/run C_ChatInfo.ReportPlayer(PLAYER_REPORT_TYPE_CHEATING, PlayerLocation:CreateFromGUID(UnitGUID(“target”)), “Botting”)

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Why? Blizzard won’t do anything about the bots.

There’s an easy way to do something about bots and its to cancel your sub.

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it’s the right thing to do. regardless of what Blizzard does, we do our part.

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so you want to make a bot… to report other bots?

This is the only type of bot i support, lol.

There have been several ban waves since the start of SoD. It just doesn’t take long for new ones to show up.

How is a macro a bot? The player is still inputting the command. I guess all macros are botting?

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it was a joke saying he wanted an automated bot to report the bots.

Maybe I’m just not understanding, but they stated they had a macro that now doesn’t function. Even so, I’d support a bot that detects and reports bots, honestly. :stuck_out_tongue:

bots man :frowning:

You ever find a new macro to help with the war? I’m still searching. I spent 3 hours reporting bots in Elwynn and Stormwind last night.

Sadly blizzard made it impossible to report bots with macros now, even addons are quite limited. Its like Blizzard does not want us to quickly report bots, i wonder why. :money_mouth_face:

The best you can do now is a macro to open up the report player dialogue C_ReportSystem.OpenReportPlayerDialog(reportType, playerName [, playerLocation])

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