Need help with macro

I want to make a pvp macro that uses masters call 45cd and escape artist 1 min cd

here is what i have

/target Sníper
/castsequence reset=45 Master’s call, Escape Artist

so far masters call works but not escape artist… escape artist is a seprate cooldown and both are off global cooldown…

/castsequence [@player] reset=45 Master's Call, Escape Artist

I have a gnome hunter and tested it and as I suspected it won’t work.

The castsequence won’t advance from Master’s Call to Escape Artist because Master’s Call is a pet ability and castsequence bugs out with pet-spells. This is something I noticed back in Legion with the Water elemental’s abilities.

Basically if the Pet-spell is before the end of the sequence it doesn’t return the same “player cast spell successfully” type of code to advance to the next spell in the sequence. It will stay blocked on the pet-spell.

You could do this:

/castsequence [@player] reset=60 Escape Artist, Master's Call

And because the pet ability is at the end of the sequence and it has a reset eventually it will reset to the beginning. Not as good since Escape is a 1 min CD and Master’s Call is a 45sec CD. Also Master’s Call helps your pet and is a longer 4 second buff.

I would suggest doing some version of this:

/cast [mod,pet,@player]command pet;Escape Artist

Command Pet automatically becomes Master’s Call for cunning pets, survival of the fittest for tenacity pets and Hysteria for Ferocity pets.
The “[pet]” above makes the pet-based ability show conditionally. You can’t cast Master’s Call if you don’t have a living active pet

Hold down a modifier key, ctrl or alt or shift, and activating the macro triggers command pet otherwise it triggers escape artist.
NOTE: Keybindings take precedence over macros. Ctrl-1 to 0 and Shift-1 to 6 are keybound to pet abilities (ctrl) and action bar switching (shift). To use ctrl or shift with the above macro requires that you unbind the ctrl/shift keybinding.

Or if you wanted to be ultra OCD and only show Master’s call in that list for cunning pets only

/cast [mod,@player,pet:Basilisk/Bird of Prey/Boar/Dog/Fox/Goat/Hyena/Mechanical/Monkey/Moth/Pterrordax/Raptor/Rodent/Serpent/Shale Spider/Silithid/Sporebat/Warp Stalker/Water Strider]command pet;Escape Artist

That is all the current cunning pets available but uses most of the 255 character limit so just remove the pet types you don’t have if you need to shorten it.