Need help with "Empowering Equipment"

Hi All,

I’m trying to upgrade a trinket to do the quest Empowering Equipment. Only thing is I can’t. When I pass my mouse over the Upgrade button it says “Requires the research report Adaptive Alloys from archivist Roh-Suir in Korthia”

I have the 4000 cataloged research I need for the upgrade but the window says I need tier 6 research level to purchase the Adaptive Alloys.

So how do I get to tier 6 research level?

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Your only tier 2/6 for the archievists codex. You need 6/6. I’m not sure if you really want to grind that out at this point in the game. It would take weeks maybe a month doing the quests there everyday, killing all the rares and looting all the chests inside the portals. At top level the items there can be upgraded to 233. The new zone your items start at 233 and can be ground up to 252 so I would recommend you spend your time there now instead.

At your gear level I don’t think that zone has anything that would really help you. The new zone is set to catch you up quickly if your behind.

None of this makes any sense to me, either. I have the required research, also and is initially is all I needed to do the required upgrade. NOW it’s telling me about something something, alloys something.

And doesn’t seem worth all the time and grinding for what it does.

Thanks for the info, I think I’ll just skip this stupid quest, tho.

For new 60’s and alts you want to right to go the new current end zone. It’s lowest gear is 233 and with enough grinding 252. If your main has enough Stygia they can buy you a set of 200 items but really you can buy crafted items that are all 233 and one 262. You can choose your best secondaries and bonus for them like + to speed or the like. Then you just need to grind up the currency for your legendaries or tier piece upgrade if you do M+.