Need help with conditionals that affect the icon

Hello, I was looking for help regarding the following macro.

/cast Avatar
/cast [known:Champion’s Spear , @Player] Champion’s Spear; [known:Thunderous Roar] Thunderous Roar

My goal is to have the icon of the Macro change to either Champion’s Spear or Thunderous Roar depending on which spell is talented.

From my understanding /cast Avatar prevents this from happening because it is listed first however I need Avatar to be listed first otherwise the initial hit of Thunderous Roar does not benefit from the Avatar Buff or other benefits granted by having Avatar go off first.

I looked though a couple Macro guides including Wowhead and Wowpedia but did not find an answer.

I found an old thread with a similar name to my request however it was in regards to classic and at least from my understanding was unrelated to my issue however I’ll link it just in case

Is there a way to have the Macro’s Icon change to either Champion’s Spear or Thunderous Roar depending on which spell is talented while still having Avatar listed first so that other abilities benefit from the buffs?

Thank you for the help

#showtooltip [known:376079] Champion's Spear; [known:384318] Thunderous Roar
/cast Avatar
/cast [known:376079,@player] Champion's Spear; [known:384318] Thunderous Roar

It works!

Thank you!