Need help with chat macro

I had a macro created with the macro tool in WoW that would put text into an open whisper, but as of 8.3 it no longer puts the text into the open whisper, but just puts in in Say, or if I have spoken in guild it goes to Guild Chat. The macro was a simple sentence: Is this your only character in this guild? No fancy commands, just wanted it to type this sentence into whatever chat line I had open. It worked before 8.3, but now doesn’t. can anyone help me?

could you post the macro you had so people can work out why its no longer working.

/run SlashCmdList["REPLY"]("Is this your only character in this guild?", ACTIVE_CHAT_EDIT_BOX)

The macro was simply type. Literally. It just was created to insert the type into whatever chat line I had currently open. Actual macro: Is this your only character in this guild?

I just found the answer in a thread below. This should do it:

/run DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME.editBox:SetText("Is this your only character in this guild?") ChatEdit_SendText(DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME.editBox, 0)

It should send it to whatever chat you’re in