Need help with a gear choice

My vault is giving me some pants that is +Mastery but I lose Vers. I’m a resto Shaman at 57% Mastery. I’m told top-end rShaman are pushing 130 Mastery so I’m inclined to take the vault pants, but I’d love a second opinion. Any help is appreciated.


Here’s your image. I can’t say for sure, and haven’t checked, but I thought most Rshams weren’t playing tier? If there’s nothing else appealing you can grab a spark fragment to either get a socket or cook up some tasty custom mastery gear.

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They’re not, didn’t even notice it was Tier. Good catch. Thanks!

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Yeah, tier has fixed stats so if you want the bonus you go for the 2 (or 4!) pieces with the least bad stats, but if you don’t play tier then you’re looking at stats alone on maybe a single piece.

Again, though, I’m not sure what rshams are playing now. Tier pants could be sick. :dracthyr_sweat: Recommend looking up top 10 Rsham players in 3s, shuffle, etc, and kind of forming an idea of what’s good off that.