My vault is giving me some pants that is +Mastery but I lose Vers. I’m a resto Shaman at 57% Mastery. I’m told top-end rShaman are pushing 130 Mastery so I’m inclined to take the vault pants, but I’d love a second opinion. Any help is appreciated.
Here’s your image. I can’t say for sure, and haven’t checked, but I thought most Rshams weren’t playing tier? If there’s nothing else appealing you can grab a spark fragment to either get a socket or cook up some tasty custom mastery gear.
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They’re not, didn’t even notice it was Tier. Good catch. Thanks!
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Yeah, tier has fixed stats so if you want the bonus you go for the 2 (or 4!) pieces with the least bad stats, but if you don’t play tier then you’re looking at stats alone on maybe a single piece.
Again, though, I’m not sure what rshams are playing now. Tier pants could be sick.
Recommend looking up top 10 Rsham players in 3s, shuffle, etc, and kind of forming an idea of what’s good off that.