Need help with a demon gate macro

I have made a macro that casts soulburn and then summon demonic gateway to make it faster for me to deploy it under pressure in a fight. The macro is working great. The only thing I have to do is set down the other end and activate the gateway. I would like to find a way to incorporate my gateway control shard or a hover over macro to activate my gateway.

Can I do this with the macro I have? Or do I need to build a separate macro for activating the gateway

Bind your Interact Key. It replaced the need for the Gateway Shard.

would that be able to be added to my deployment macro?

Nope, it’s a dedicated keybind.

You can macro the control shard though

/use Gateway Control Shard

thanks for the help. I will try it both ways and see what works better. you get a 5 star review for your help.