Need help on transmog. Male Draenei Shaman

So, as everyone knows, fashion is the true endgame. If you aren’t looking good, you aren’t performing good. Now I know, Male Draenei, I’m a refrigerator, I can’t look good. Frankly I disagree. Even a refrigerator can show style. So on my leveling journey to get this guy prepped for Heritage quest. Any recommendations? Or am I good with what I have right now?

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IMO, that set looks really good on male draenei. I would say keep it on.

I made a male draenei shaman outfit a few years ago on wowhead, if you want to check it out. Let me see if I can post links:

I typically avoid WoWhead.

Well there’s your problem.

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Yeah of course we all know this.

Me I’m fond of the LFR Nighthold set. That’s what I’m using on my draensham.


Ooh, why is that?


Ooooh, I’ll need to farm the crap out of it but that does fit quite nicely.

I think the current Shaman tier set looks great on male Draenei.

Anything that doesn’t involve red skin and red dragon wings on a male draenie is a fail.

I had no idea, I’ll be careful now.

Check out the elite Darkshore set. Gold trim and feathers. Alliance only.

Male Drenai shaman? = troll shaman… what you expect??? :laughing: :rofl:
I would pay to change the race first!


Use that same mog but change out the weapons.

Use the offhand blue axe from completing the enhance shaman campaign.

Just mog each hand separately, look for one handed maces and it will be there.

You can have both of your one handed weapons be mogged as the offhand artifact weapon.

I know, it looks like an axe but since it is an artifact weapon, it is classified as a one handed mace.

Lookin’ good my dude.
I’ve always liked season 9 (pvp) shammy set for Draenei.

I like my mog. Whatever this sham set is, it looks nice on Draenei.