Need help on Monk class mount quest

I hope this is the right place to post this. I recently finished the Legion monk campaign in order to get the class mount. I had finished the achievement Breaching the Tomb on a previous class (and have all the class mounts except two or three), and thought this was all that was needed to start the class mount questline. However, when I go to Broken Shore, the quest giver has nothing for me.

Has the requirements changed in that I need to finish Breaching the Tomb achievement also on this new monk? I’ve combed through Icy Veins and Wowhead and can’t find diddly on this. Submitted a ticket, which was resolved with an auto-reply pointing me to these same external resources (frustrating). The most recent info I’ve found about the Breaching the Tomb achievement is that it can be completed on any toon for account wide credit.

Anyone encounter this?

Breaching the tomb is required every time.

I have only done Breaching the Tomb on my mage, but my paladin and druid have their class mounts as well. You do have to complete the order hall campaign and unlock all of the champions for the order hall.

After a bit of work, I figured it out. There is an NPC on Broken Shores who gives you an additional quest which starts another questline culminating with the recruitment of your final class follower. This occurs after you receive the achievement for having completed your class campaign. Thus descriptions of this class mount questline in Wowhead etc. should read that 2 separate class requirements exist: completing the class campaign, and completing the mini-finale addendum questline to the class campaign which you pick up from the Broken Shores. (Breaching the Tomb achievement is account wide and only needs to be done once on any class.)

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