Need help how is ED alliance side

Hey I’ve actually played on Wyrmrest and Moon guard but am thinking of maining on ED. How is the walk up RP? I got tired of all the erp on moon guard and WrA seems to be better for horde. Hoping ED can be my new alliance home. I like the central time zone and balanced population. Is ED the best RP server?
Well, I am a huge proprietor of ED Ally RP is alive, there are some facts you should know.

-Walkup is a thing, contrary to popular belief, granted you must initiate it first, unlike on most servers. (You will even get non RPers to sort of chime in if you initiate RP, wont be the best, but nice to see them attempt it )

Balanced population doesn't mean much anymore as it doesn't really show what percent is with WM or without WM on...which can make WMon a bit lonely if you are into warmode ( I only turn it off for server events that ask it off ) so I see far less people than some of my guildies who keep it off.

**Absolute Opinion, Warning THIS IS MY OPINION** Is ED the best RP server? I am very biased on this, to me it is awesome, but then I have broken my bridges on other RP realms and decided to be optimistic and believe ED is good. I have found a solid group of friends on this realm, which I had not done at all on WRA, Galakrond, Lightbringer, Mal Ganis, Earthen Ring or Scarlet Crusade...having that group of people I enjoy playing with, though not all in same guild, is what makes this the best realm in my eyes. Others can say different, ED has changed much since I got here in MOP - I think for the better, others say for the worse, best thing you can do is try it out, get a feel for the people on the server and make the choice yourself --sorry wall of text

here is the link to the alliance RP discord if you wanna chat, get to know people and many of the ally rpers on the server its far more active than our forums would let on usually
Thank you for the help!! I will check it out.
10/30/2018 04:17 PMPosted by Kythen
Hey I’ve actually played on Wyrmrest and Moon guard but am thinking of maining on ED. How is the walk up RP? I got tired of all the erp on moon guard and WrA seems to be better for horde. Hoping ED can be my new alliance home. I like the central time zone and balanced population. Is ED the best RP server?

Hi Kythen, welcome to Emerald Dream!

To follow up on everything Aglaica said - my guild moved to Emerald Dream about a year ago and we've loved it so far.

This is the best server by far if you want to actively RP the main lore of the game which is the faction war between the Horde and Alliance. We have a great community on both Horde and Alliance side who are active in War Mode (most active RP community in War Mode is Emerald Dream, no question about it).

If War Mode isn't your thing, there are events scheduled almost every day, just hop into the Horde and Alliance Discords and looked at the respective #events channels.

As far as walk-up, it's there if you're willing to take the initiative. Have TRP3 installed and you can find RP any time you want it by scanning for others with their profiles active. You can also meet people at the many regularly scheduled tavern nights, story nights, etc.

Definitely check out the Discords, come in and say Hi and browse the various individual guild channels, many of us have some information about our guilds pinned on the channel so you can find something that suits the sort of RP you're looking for.