Need Help getting to Tanaan Jungle

I am returning from a very long hiatus. I’m trying to get into the tanaan jungle zone so I can run Hellfire Citadel. The toon I’m wanting to do this on was boosted to 110 a couple years ago. I dont know where to start the quest to get into the area… The garrison I have is level 2… I dont believe I have done any work on the garrison quests at all. I was trying to figure out how to quickly farm enough resources to upgrade to level 3… but it appears I cant even cut wood. I’m running all over trying to find quests to get it started but no luck so far. I really dont want to play a whole bunch of low level content just to get some garrison resources. This is kind of silly. Anyone know how I might get into Tanaan to at least pick up a flight path?

I hate the draenor zones. Whoever designed them were just awful. everywhere you turn just impassable terrain. You spend majority of your time just trying to figure out how to get into an area 100 yards away from you due to the mountain separating you from it. Dont want to spend anymore time there than needed lol.

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You can sneak in from the north end of the area next to Tanaan.

I’ve been getting my toons in there this way as well.

you mean from gorgrond or talador? Are you entering from the sea or land? Do you have coordinates I might use to find the area to get in? Or maybe landmarks?

I go over the water but I play DK, Druid, and Shaman so this is the only character that had to do the overland route.

Sorry, I got dragged into a key run after I posted.

Talador. Since you’re Horde, you don’t have a FP to Fort Wrynn, but if you go just north and around by Bladefury’s Command, you can sneak into Tanaan that way.

There is a harbor in the northern part of the tanaan that has two slopes you can walk up. If you see the whale shark in the ocean he is sitting right outside the dock to get in.

Otherwise on the south side there is a path through the mountains that leads into the sabron (elite cat people) zone. It is also about half way along the beach.

Buy huge ogre caches from the AH, each gives 1k resources (you need 2k) and do old wod raids to get the 5k gold you need for rank 3 main building.

After that you get a quest from vol’jin, “we need a shipwright” in the iron docks area, do that, get back, build the boat and you can do the scenario to build tanaan stronghold.



You need to get your garrison to level 3
Vol’jin will give you a quest “We need a shipwright” I think it is
Do that questline until you unlock Vol’mar

If you can group people from D’arth remar or Frostmourne, I can give you a lift there. Free.

I would just wait for next expansion when they give you flying in WoD if you’re that bothered by terrain and don’t want to spend time in there.

Don’t even need to open the zone. Take the portal from SW/Org to Ashran and fly over. You’ll be able to access HFC without even opening Draenor.

Edit: You should also be able to use potions of water walking, mount equipment, and other forms to just walk/ride over from Ashran to Taanan.

There’s a neutral FP just south of HFC called Vault of the Earth. I don’t believe you need to do anything to unlock it.