Need help choosing to main Warrior or DK?

Hi I’m a new-ish player and I’m pretty excited for the upcoming expansion, which will be my first new expac. I just leveled a Goblin DK and a HTauren Warrior to level 60 but I can’t pick which one to focus on leveling and gearing for the new expansion. I really love the Blood fantasy and its unlimited healing when I fight mobs, I love the dot management and the Mob placement mechanics with D&D. I also really love Prot warrior because it gets a sexy shield and looks incredible on Tauren. I greatly prefer the extensive mobility and I like one of the dps specs whereas I don’t like either DK dps. The Blood rotation I find more engaging and rewarding whereas Prot’s rotation is only 4 buttons and gets pretty stale if I’m using the meta build that Wowhead tells me to use. And finally Prot feels really hard in solo content because there is so little healing in the kit (caveat: If i make my own build and disobey Wowhead I can take more healing talents and it feels better but I don’t wanna get kicked when I start pugging) I’m really excited for TWW and the hero talents so any help choosing would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

So, my primary advice is to keep playing both to 70, there’s still plenty of time to do both right now. Getting a feel for how they play in end game world content and dungeons will give you a better sense of things than you get while leveling. (Plus you can get your toes wet with follower dungeons where the NPCs won’t yell at you. Even when you get them killed by messing up a mechanic. Not that I would know about that, of course.)

You’ll also be playing with your full talents. Beyond that, it’s impossible to say right now how any changes to the classes in TWW will affect how you feel about them, so having a couple of options is a good thing.

Oh, and don’t worry about gearing for the new expansion. The only thing that the gear you get now will do is make the first few levels in TWW a little bit faster. Even the best geared players will be replacing gear with quest greens by 80.

I’d always be very wary about playing a tank or healer on a class you don’t like a dps spec on. Doing stuff out in the world can get really tedious. (Tanks have it a bit better than healers, though.) Also, if you are looking to do more serious organized content, you’ll be a lot more valuable to groups if you have a dps off-spec.

I wouldn’t worry about this. For easy group content, it won’t matter. When you get to the harder stuff you can just use different talent loadouts depending on the content you are doing. (And for the really hard stuff, you’ll probably be changing stuff based on the encounter.)

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Thank you! I think I’ve decided to go with Warrior for the time being based on liking its DPS. And youre right I’ll have time to play DK too, its not like the game is going anywhere.

Late reply, but at this point personally I’d say to look at TWW talents and make your decision off which ones you like most, since DPS rankings will go topsy-turvy with new expac tuning anyway.

I don’t have a warrior, but my DK was main for many years going back when Blood DK was the only class that could solo many things. Currently it’s weakness is a lack of mobility when warriors can heroic leap, and paladins can call horses, and brewmasters can dash multiple times; however since your DK is a goblin (mine too) you have an extra mobility option in your racial. The talent preview for Sanlayn has shown that you might not just get a bit of a speed boost in TWW but boost others around you.

Thank you very much