Need Guidance/ Help with Devas

Hows my gear/ enchants/ gems look i feel like no matter how i play outside of dragonrage im just useless atm.

You should have at least 100% mastery in arenas/pvp combat on dev . How much do you have?

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Just respec, the button is right there. You can tell everybody later that you played dev.

No idea how you would get to 100% any stat in this game since you can no longer re stat gear like before. Ive got like 48% in arena and most of my gear and enchants/ gems are mastery related. If you can help me get higher mastery plz tell me how.

We have the best gearing we’ve ever had when it comes to picking stats.

Half your gear is crit.

This guy plays devestation evoker(even tho his armory shows he is specced aug) and has about 100% mastery inside arenas.

All his gear is pvp gear or crafted piecesâmîkâzê

Aug is boring as hell and i dont wanna play a healer sooo… and i chose the gear from the conquest vendor for pvp lol… its between crit or haste… there is no mastery options i didnt pick up so im very confused how i would make it all mastery… im a returning player so if you got the answers thats what im after.

Those trophy of conquests on the pvp vendor can be used to order other people to craft custom 450 gear for you.

This makes it so you can have mastery in every single slot.

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Also the wpvp gear is only 434 so unless it’s upgraded with trophies or has good stats (not crit) then you usually just wanna use honor stuff until you get conquest/crafted

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Thanks for the tips guys i thought ilvl counted more then individual stats when entering pvp

mastery is % damage, ilvl is important but proper stats make the spec function the way it’s intended

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Ok i guess i need more gold to craft more desired mastery peices… wish i would of known before spending all the conquest on pvp gear at the vendor lol.

good thing its uncapped =]

It’s cool seeing someone doing well from eitrigg considering how dead of a server it is lol

Maybe its just me and my luck but i played pvp all day yesterday’ including winning a random bg, random epic, brawl ect and barely made any conquest… just loss after loss after loss as horde these days.

Crafted rings etc.

First pic is obv no combat, in the second I gain 9% mast for 101%. Lots of crafted, 3 Scalewarden pieces. Aim at rings/neck if you’re not main stat starved.

Edit: forgot about the embelishment for mastery above 90% hp.

Mok’Nathtal is #1 dead server

Aug is everything dev is, but unkillable and buffs partner.

What does dev do better than aug? Fire breath-eternity surge one shot? Yeah aug does the exact same thing with upheaval.