Need current /way to clipboard and chat

Hello there!

I’m having a problem getting anything to output to channel or save to clipboard.

As an example, I try /wayb as instructed by tomtoms’ man blurb but it provides nothing but a marker on map(I need the way copied or at least displayed so I can copy it.

Then I keep finding this blurb when googling and it’s just not outputing anything.

/run local c,p,t,m=C_Map,"player","target"m=c.GetBestMapForUnit(p)c.SetUserWaypoint{uiMapID=m,position=c.GetPlayerMapPosition(m,p)}SendChatMessage(format("%%t (%d%%)%s",UnitHealth(t)/UnitHealthMax(t)*100,c.GetUserWaypointHyperlink()),"CHANNEL",nil,1)

I’m not sure how to resolve this and I can’t seem to search up any useful result.

Could someone point out how I would get my current location returned for use?

Thanks for your time!

There is no way to directly add anything to the clipboard. It has to be displayed on screen and then copied using CTR-C

With TomTom you should be able to use /tway list and copy the desired output from the chat frame using something like


Is there an addon, or any way to get it to the clipboard, without manual intervention? I just made a script to get the “/way” text in the correct format, but I really want it in the clipboard in one macro click.
Or, have you seen an addon that does this?
I have not been able to find a good addon for making “/way” links (bookmarks).
Here’s my current macro, and the output is in the correct format, so if you took it, and pasted it in chat, it would map the bookmark, in the correct zone.
Doing this in the correct zone is the step that all of the addon authors seem to miss.

/run z = C_Map.GetBestMapForUnit(“player”); pos = C_Map.GetPlayerMapPosition(z,“player”); print(“/way #”…z, math.ceil(pos.x10000)/100, math.ceil(pos.y10000)/100, C_Map.GetMapInfo(z).name)

WoW requires you to use the keyboard (CTRL-C/CTRL-V) to interact with the clipboard.

The most you could do would be for the macro to open an editbox with the text already selected for you to just CTRL-C into the clipboard. That would require an addon to create the frame/editbox/show code first.