Need BGs to break the monotony

I love classic so far but it’s a lot of questing. Why are we waiting so long for BGs again? It’s very nice to break up the weeks of levelling with some mellow BGs inbetween, and it’s also nice to grow with the other classes in BGs. Every 10 levels there’s a new king, sometimes its your class, and you learn every other class along the way. And that’s something you’ll never get back once you hit 60. It’s stupid to keep BGs away from us in my opinion, but is there a good reason at least?

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Something something pandaren slow down, something something…

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Blizzard has given the reason many times. In fact there’s still a stickied post detailing their plan. Is the plan making everyone 100% happy? No, of course not but nothing can.

Why are you so snooty? that’s embarassing. But thanks for the answer I guess?

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