Need better way to spread DOTS

It’s crazy to think that DKS and S priest have way more effective ways to dot then affliction does. Like it doesn’t even make sense.

Dks dots spread themselves to nearby targets and s priests can put 2 dots on from using 1 ability if they choose.

Aff needs 5 if not more globals JUST TO START to get damage rolling on 1 target. Kinda crazy we need some sort of help. Like what is so bad about brining back soul burn and just listening to feedback. If not soul burn, soul swap, just something that can help with spreading


Yeah, the quality of life would improve if affliction had a way to spread dots without that many GCDs needed + the ramp time to start doing damage


At the very least, it’d be nice to have a 1s gcd on our instants.

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you arent wrong. im leveling a warlock and i want to like affliction so much… but i cant be bothered to constantly single DoT countless enemies before doing anything else. id rather deal with ramp up time with shadow priest

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All our dots should auto spread to mobs that fail to respect social distancing from patient/target zero. Then of course have a talent that makes the target cough for max spreading.


Absolutely dankified the class can you work for blizzard we need one on the inside brother

It gets moderately better when you get a decent amount of haste but my god… this class needs help blizzard cannot sit down and play warlock with all these worthless interactions and feel like it’s a well designed well thought out caster class…

I would accept a position as lead Warlock designer. But i would need language in my contract that allows me to throw hard objects at other lead designers for varying reasons.


what was the MOP ability that allowed to copy dots off one target and auto spread them to another. was it soul swap? something like that would be great. Also i think you could soulburn (use a shard) and auto apply all your dots. This spell also allowed for instant pet summon. This really helps fix all our problems.

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Soul Swap
Level 120
40 yd range
Instant 20 sec cool down
Inhales your damage over time effects from the target, preserving their duration.
Your next use of Soul Swap within 10 sec will exhale those damage over time effects onto the new target and deal 6% of the target’s total health in Shadow damage.

1 sec cooldown
1 [Soul Shard]
[Instant cast]
Consumes a Soul Shard, enhancing some of your spells: Summon Demon, Demonic Circle: Teleport, Seed of Corruption, and Soul Swap.


More we need more this class feels horrible. We have nothing.

I think that perhaps they should give seed of corruption a 30 second cooldown but it becomes instant cast and spreads agony as well as corruption. It also needs to detonate on impact and have faster travel time, so painful doing the slow cast, watching it travel and then waiting for the damn thing to explode while the rest of the group has already destroyed most of the pack.

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Have you ever seen how a druid spreads dots? SO MUCH BETTER!!!

forget druids, have you seen how dk’s spread dots?

Feel bad, just want her back, etc

You want to be accused of being OP again and get dumpstered for another expac?

They could easily balance that, its just matter of quality of life for affliction, not being OP.

I just wsnt an AoE ability that applied ALL thr warlocks dots.

Lets be honest they tick for bugger all so why not.

I believe all Warlock classes need a lot of help. Blizzard on the other hand feel like Warlocks are in a fine and dandy spot and are just super great.

Basically, they had to choose a class that they didn’t have enough time to fix, and they chose Warlock because it’s one of the least played. The only class behind it is Shaman, and people were already complaining about Shamans in BfA, so Warlock is the logical choice.

So, to anyone complaining about rotations being clunky for Aff, or not making sense, or Destro being incredibly boring… well you’re wrong because Blizzard has told us that Warlocks are in a great spot.

They are wrong, and have been wrong for a long time.