Need Assistance Guys!

Hey guys!

So I have a unique problem all. I have multiple sclerosis as well as schizophrenia and it is hard to focus on quests. What addons do you guys recommend to help me out here.

The questing addons help a lot that automate the quest turn in like leatrix plus and similar addons. What addons do you guys recommend for people dealing with a lot of mental problems. I had an older account before where I was Sabatykos I have since restarted my game.

So here’s the deal guys. I am looking for help here. Leatrix Plus helps out a lot with my attention issues. Let me know if there is any other addons you guys can recommend to assist with attention difficulty as a result of the MS diagnosis. And other problems. Let me know how you guys deal with this stuff! All help and suggestionis will be appreciated here.

~Creno AKA Sabatykos

A few suggestions here for you:

  1. Check out if you haven’t already. They are a non-for-profit with a lot of experience with helping players out.
  2. Send an email to with any recommendations you have that you feel would help improve your gaming experience. Accessibility at Blizzard
  3. You might actually want to move this over to the UI and Macro forum. You can move it by mousing over your original post and clicking on the edit/pencil icon. There’s a drop-down to move the post to another forum.

I hope some of that helps!


Okay buddy I moved it thanks for the heads up!

I made sure I moved it to the correct forum. I appreciate the assist buddy. So yeah I’m looking for any help you guys can give me here! I’ll submit accessiblity options too. Thanks for the idea buddy. I’ll let you guys know how it goes!

Gnome Sequencer Enhanced will help with combat.

Also, make sure you have your Enable Interact Key turned on and Interact With Target keybind bound.

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Thank you for the nice tips I’ll use them lal right away. I appreciate it muchly (yes that’s a word heheh) I’ll use those tips right away. You are a saint my friend. Thanks for the advice I will try those and let you know how I do!

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