Title. Looking for an addon that would show a big icon of a currently active defensive (Fade, Dispersion, Evasion, Temp. shileld, etc.) above the enemy health bar or on the portrait.
Nameplate Cooldowns.
Yes, really.
edit: I seem to have missed the part about “currently active defensives”. Namplate Cooldowns is a cooldown tracker.
flyplatebuffs is the most popular afaik
nameplate auras also
i don’t think i’ve ever used this one but afaik it primarily tracks their cds above their head right?
i always felt like it was super cluttery
but i’m positive you could flip the functionality to be exclusively displaying active buffs as well and not just cds
shows wings/bubble/currentcc ect on portraits
as well as makes raid frames a lot better
Also bigdebuffs.
I live and die by that addon. Even in PVE it’s so useful as a healer.
Gladius Ex does this as well i believe.
omnibar is one that people have been using for about 10 years now (counting interruptbar as its predecessor). nameplate cooldowns as piril said is also another good one.
Just track them in your head? Like say a ret uses bubble start counting down from 300 and subtract 90 seconds if u notice they divine steed 2x in faster than 45 second intervals. ez
I don’t need enemy CD on their defensives, I need a tracker for the defensives that are up and running. It’s really hard to see a Fade on a shadowpriest or Evasion on rogue, especially when you’re at range. But, others have already provided feedback and suggestions.
I’m sorry I haven’t cleaned up my UI in a while but here’s a couple of things:
GladiusEX (the arena frames in the middle) will show cooldowns. You can see the cooldown and how long the duration is going.
I also believe my nameplates, threadplates, will show what the target’s priority debuff/buff is, but I believe this was a new addition and I haven’t really looked into it yet cuz I haven’t cleaned my alts UI.
(edit) Big Debuffs is better for this in general, but these also help a bit; I plan on adding offensive cds and kicks to omnibar and defensive cds to gladiusex since I generally stare at drs/trinket 99% of the game.
flyPlateBuffs, literally my favorite addon for arena.
already suggested above but its exactly what you are looking for. you can add spells if you know how to use the spell ID numbers, but the defaults are pretty good, and you can scale the sizing of what is displayed
NameplateCD’s I just got it started using it, you can check a box to only show target selected to reduce clutter.
and who needs to know EVERYONE’S CD’s in a BG for example
A Ret Paladin counting backwards from 300. That’s hilarious.
This addon borders on a cheat and should be banned.
person that exploits healing in solo shuffle detected, opinion discarded
This addon borders on a cheat
You’re bad.
this thread is 2 years old why the duck did u reply to it
You’re bad.
lol ok. Says the person that needs help to keep track of enemy cooldowns.
please dont necro threads.
Nameplate Cooldowns.
This doesn’t reset in solo shuffle so you end up with everyone with a million CDs over their head
Says the person that needs help to keep track of enemy cooldowns.
I can’t remember what I ate for lunch yesterday, the chances Ima remember you popped spirit bomb 45 seconds ago are pretty slim.