Hey folks: Once prepatch/servers are finally back up I was planning on making the first of my Shadowlands alts. As a tiny bit of background I’m planning to make alts for every spec in the game, across as many races as I can while trying to match races/specs together as best I can. I am also matching races/specs to a leveling experience and I am doing those leveling experiences in order: cata --> TBC --> wrath… This is no small feat to plan, and I’m sort of stuck on what to make first for my alliance characters.
A few stipulations: I don’t have any Alliance characters yet, and I’m starting fresh on a new server. I recently decided that the human frost mage I had planned works a little better to level in WotLK, so I need a new initial alliance character.
- Ideally a spec that solos reasonably well, as I will be needing to do some of the Allied Race unlocking on it.
- My initial Horde alt is going to be a Highmountain Guardian Druid
- If possible I want to alternate between melee and ranged specs and group roles between my alts. My second alliance alt is going to be a holy paladin.
- I need to be able to justify the class/race in the vanilla/cata zones
My options:
- Night Elf Mistweaver Monk
- Night Elf Resto druid with balance flavor
- Worgen Assassination Rogue
The rogue is somewhat uninteresting to me, but it’s the last one I have slotted for cata leveling on alliance that doesn’t require allied races to be unlocked.
- Between the druid and monk, which will have an easier time questing at higher levels? (not at all concerned about speed).
- Between all three options, which is more fun to play while leveling (dungeons/soloing/BGs). At heart I’m an old-time wow player, so I don’t like classes that are too simple - I like challenging rotations and gameplay.
Thanks for any advice!