Need advice re: "Answer the Call" quest for Tauren heritage armor

I’ve been attempting to get the Tauren heritage armor but have hit a wall. I can’t complete the “Answer the Call” quest and am wondering what the trick to killing the malevolent spirit really is.

I’ve read up on it and jump inside whatever circle appears around the Shaman-type NPC, but no healing occurs; and I don’t receive any ancestor’s buff, much less one that stacks, though I’ve read (on Wowhead) that that’s what should happen.

What on earth am I doing wrong? :thinking: Please, help…

So what I had to do for that one was LOS the mob by running into the tent and healing myself. I was on a druid so I could heal myself, but yeah, it didn’t seem tuned right… Or I could have just not been geared, or just playing bad… Or all of the above lol


Honestly it is a pain. I waited until max level to do it (or for those without Dragonflight, get Zerith Mortis gear in Shadowlands), the mob is overtuned and is a challenge at the level they make heritage available.


I got my backside handed to me multiple times when I tried the quest at level 53; so, I got this character to level 60–not yet reflected on the forum–and still got the same results multiple times. I even tried it as a tank; no dice.

I don’t see how anyone can do this quest without healing ability–as you’ve noted–or a decent amount of health potions. So I guess I’ve two options: 1) buy potions for this character, or 2) attempt the quest on my Tauren paladin, who currently is level 46. (I guess I likely have a bit more leveling to do. At least there’s the current buff to help speed up leveling.)

At least, I feel relieved knowing that it isn’t just me. “Overtuned” almost seems like an understatement. :laughing: Okay, so maybe I’ll be getting Zereth Mortis gear or leveling a Tauren to cap before attempting this insanity for the umpteenth time.