Need a Player Guide

I use Wowhwead but I get lost trying to follow quest lines, Wowhead is no help. I am registered, but it does not show my toon or says it can’t load. Now they want me to sign up for FanByte to get help with Warcraft Quests. In order to get help with Warcraft Quest lines I need to give Wowhead my Google Account, my Blizz info and my World of Warcraft Account and register for Fanbyte? Could Warcraft Please have a Quest help Page? I just don’t like having my warcraft account Information given to 3 different web pages just because I am having trouble following a quest line.

Quite right! The amount of information sites demand from you these days is outrageous, and can be dangerous, depending how much you trust their security.

Having said that, I never have any problem using Wowhead to foillow quest lines - even to help other people who are lost asking here on the forums. The Quest Completion Checker together with the basic quest pages and especially reading the comments will get you through the most convoluted cases.

And the Profiler doesn’t really add any functionality to that, no matter how much of your personal data you offer up.

Checking quests does take some time and attention, but there is no magic solution that doesn’t.

One key technique is checking whether you have done a particular quest in a questline.

Imagine you want to complete the questline Azure Alignment

and you don’t know where you are in the chain.

On the right of the page is the list of quests in the Storyline and on each quest page is a checker like

See if you’ve already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(65911))

So paste that in on your chat for each quest to find whether you have completed it or not. That will tell you where you have to go to pick up the trail of quests.

If this is a regular thing, you might try using a quest tracker addon or two. They keep track of what you have and haven’t done without all the manual queries.

I see BtWQuests and Quest Completist seem to have a lot of downloads on Curseforge, so they must be pretty popular.

I clicked your link, loaded Nordarssil, selected my toon, it says cannot load character. Change charter, change zone, keeps saying cannot load character. Shows me being logged in.

I don’t know anything about the app, but you might need to change zones and fully log out for your character to update in the API. I know this used to be true for the official Armory. The data these sites use isn’t your “real” server data. So it doesn’t update in “real time”, instead you need to trigger the code that updates the external database by changing zones or logging out.

I will try. I just wish Blizz or Warcraft had it’s own Quest guide. I remember when we used to buy quest books that led you by the hand like Wowhead is supposed to do. And explained what you were to do and etc. yes, some of us need a flashlight, a lunch and a map.

I can look Palethu-Nordrassil up, and I have no account of any kind with Wowhead:

and I can track your quests from that page.

I wonder whether you have a browser addon or ad blocker that is disallowing Javascript for that site. It does use quite a lot of Javascript, and uses quite a complex set of external sites to support it, including some from cloudfront and akamai.

Have you tried the addons?

Last month it I have used it. Used it with other toons and with this one, no problem. Since it is computer I know it will be something I did, but I just wish Blizz and Warcraft had their own Guide.