Need a Macro plz (TBC) (Warlock)

I need a macro that will Spell Lock my focus
and also seduce my focus…

so it uses macro depending on which pet i have out.

Spells to copy/paste:
/cast Spell Lock(Rank 2)
/cast Seduction

/cast [pet:Succubus,@focus,harm,nodead] [pet:Succubus] Seduction; [pet:Felhunter,@focus,harm,nodead] [pet:Felhunter] Spell Lock(Rank 2)

You’rs didn’t work precisely as i was looking for, but i did figure out how to do it myself :slight_smile:

#showtooltip Spell Lock(Rank 2)
/cast [target=focus, exists, harm] Spell Lock(Rank 2)
/cast [target=focus, exists, harm] Seduction