Need a good shaman name


Ddew kind of like Cdew, good but not that great. As you can tell from my name I’m also a fan of borderline/offensive stuff.

Hrm . . . what race and gender are they?

If your going with first names, might I suggest:

Dwarf / dark iron: Thorvold / Thorhildr

Orc / Mag’har : Rognar / Gora

Kul tiran: Reginald / Marian

Draenei: Vadaar / Yvon

Tauren / high mountain: Bohvan / Morgana

Troll / Zandalari: Jinzel / Tasha

Goblin: Daxter / Izzi


Idk yet I’m going to consult with my friends in an hour or so, I’ll let you all know what we come up with.

In the case of orc, Stormpelt isn’t a bad one, esp if you’re going enhance.

Bobby Kotick

He has channeled the elements in real life to bring his company profits year after year .

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Have you considered iliillIlIIIllIil


Name doesn’t matter. It’s the legend you construct for it that makes a name cool.

When a name doesn’t just come to me, I’ll look around the room. I do it now, I see first

Foot Cream, Coffee & Candle.

Focrcoca? How about Focoffcan?

Coffcan? Coffoot? Creandle?

Crean? Crean. Crean’s good. No one’s gonna butcher it on Discord and it works.

Crean. Now make it cool.


If there’s not at least one ASCII character thats impossible to type its not a good name.


Ah yeah Shamancream. Not bad, not bad.

Very true.

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Welp, I’ve heard worse. :smiley:

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Spent too much time just went with sonicthehedg, draenei. Thanks for the help though!



A Geisha man

I’m guessing you’re looking for a female name and something in the RP mindset. That said, I’m partial to these:

Terra, Aeris, : Enhancement
Tempeste, Ashe, Volaris or Kindra: Elemental
Yce, Spiras, or Aquiras : Restoration

Check this site, it is basically mandatory for anyone into RPGs, MMO or pen and paper. They have so many name lists!

If you want something non-RP though, there are plenty in this thread.

I couldn’t think of an orcish name so I just picked this one, which is more humanoid and tauren.

Lavashart fghfhfghgf