Necrotic Wake - Extra Stitchflesh's Creation

Necrotic Wake - Stitchflesh Boss

When we transitioned back into the Stitchflesh’s Creation Phase, 2 Creations spawned at once. Then a 3rd Creation Joined relatively quickly (although we did miss a hook cause the 2nd Creation Body Blocked). This obviously did not work out well for us.

The pull happened with this character, at approximately 12:30 am (midnight) pacific.

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This has also been happening to me on a particular run, reliably every pull. Multiple creations spawning at the same time. Does not seem to correspond to timing on hooks / creation kill.

It is still happening.
I saw 3 consecutive Stitchflesh’s Creations in one group.
and one after another in short time window again tonight. Please fix it. It ruin keys and all the time are wasted because of this bug.

One thing common is that some people miss the hook, maybe the spawn is on fixed timer regardless if the hook hit boss or not?

I was looking for some info about the timer on the awaken craetion cast or something that can make that cast go any faster, but i just found this post and i guess that it just a bug.

Context: I was with a group of friends doing a Necrotic wake +14

All good until we reach the 3rd Boss, Surgeon Stitchflesh.

We save logs for most of dungeons we do, so i’ll resume that fight here:

Creation n°1 is in front of the surgeon.
Fight starts.
cast: Meat hook.
We pull off the surgeon to the area and start dps him.
at 41% surgeon jumps back to his platform
He cast awaken creation, Right after that we managed to pull him back to the area.
(the Creation n°1 is still alive and at 7% hp, we use that meat hook to pull back the Surgeon to the area)
Creation n°1 dies.
Creation n°2 spawns on the fight now.
-2 seconds later-
Surgeon Cast: Awaken creation
Another creation is on the fight, Creation n°3 (we’re fighting boss and 2 creations almost full hp)

At this point we were using all of our cds, Hero, etc.

Surgeon jumps back to it’s plataform.
Cast: Awaken creation.

Creation n°4 is on the fight (we’re fighting 3 creation at this point)
We wipe.

So, if there’s something that i don’t know or i can’t find please let me know, but atm it just looks like a bug.


Had same issue in a +8 tonight and cost us the key. Would spawn 2 at a time and sometime 2 then another in the next 3 or 4 seconds.

Had to wipefest it til we got a lucky pull. Up to that point we rocked it so it really sucked

Also ran into similar issues. It seems there are 2 conditions which triggered the Add:

  1. When boss is on his platform, he summons add every 30s. jumping back to his platform also creates one, but it resets the 30s timer.

  2. When boss is on his platform, he summons new add when an add dies (even there are already more than 1 alive) - this seems bug to me, it should only summon new add when there is NOT add available OR the 30s timer from point 1.

Because of the 2nd “bug”, it is very difficult to recover from the situation that 2 adds alive when boss is on his platform. This situation can be triggered:

  • killing the 1st add after missing the 3rd hook right after boss jumps back to platform, very common strategy when trying to nuke boss
  • or if you miss 1 hook (not initial one. The 1st hook goes out at 10th second, so we have 2 chances. 18s/hook x 2 vs 30s add respawn timer)

All the alive adds share same(very close) hook timer (every 18s - regardless when the add was spawned), it makes it very difficult to hook boss, most of the time the hook went out from one add was interrupted (hook has travel time) by the hook from the other add.

At this point, the add number keeps growing due to respawn timer, and the group is very likely to wipe, and no way to recover from the missing hook error.

It might be by design, if it is, this boss is too unforgiving IMO.

The 2nd bug (spawn new add when an add dies even there are more than 1 alive already when boss on his platform) didn’t happen in the video uploaded on Dec 18th 2020.

The bug is definitely happening now, so the bug was probably introduced after that?

Can confirm. Currently happening in our +13 NW.

Same issue here, just did a 16 Nec Wake and we would pull him down flawlessly in 1st hook, we would then us 2nd hook to keep him from fixating, when he jumped back up we had 2 adds spawn, at this point we couldn’t get him hooked back down because they just kept hooking each other.

we even tried leaving the 1st add up to hook him off the stage for the 3rd hook. This didn’t seem to fix anything. We tried a few different methods, in the end the Key was just killed. At one point we had 3 adds spawned. he spawned one as he jumped up and 2 more maybe 5 sec later.

It didn’t happen to NW I ran on my alt (+9). We killed the 2nd creation after missing the 3rd hook while the 3rd creation add was on platform for around 7,8 seconds, and it didn’t spawn new add when we kill 2nd add while boss was on his platform.

The bug seems to be intermittent. Hopefully Blizzard can figure out the root cause and fix it ASAP.

Hey again,

Our group found another bug, today in a NW +16 on stitchflesh fight, the first hook of the fight, grabbed one of our hunter’s pet instead the boss.

i usually play with the same group so we all were very far from the abomination when it was casting the hook to avoid triggering any kind of bug.

i guess it’s a bug and grabbing player’s pet it’s not intended.

The bug’s still happening, and now there might be another one. I was trying to run a 13 NW and the hook kept passing through Stitchflesh when we tried to pull him down. The arrow was centered on him, so I’m not sure if it’s a bug or if it’s some new bs about the hook having to be dead-center to work. Now sure if anyone else has encountered this.

bump. This just happened in the +13 I was running. two creations spawned at once after Stitchflesh returned.

This just happened in a 15 key now on every single pull we did. Scuffed the key because we weren’t expecting it and then couldn’t beat the AoE damage check (the abom pulsing aura) on the second pull without Pride. Fix this trash, Blizzard.

Bump Again - This just happened in our +15. Ravins post is def on point and helped us get by it, but def nuked the key. We had it happen on multiple pulls where wed have him down, dps him, let him jump up and then hed summon a new one, wed kill the existing and then another would immediately be summoned too.

The “workaround” is to make sure you kill the add that is up BEFORE he goes back up… Which sucks because it lowers the dps on boss (esp on tyrannical…) but you dont get the cluster that happens otherwise. We were dpsing the add after it did the 2nd hook (to interrupt the fixate) so itd die and wed get a new one.

I don’t think this is intentional, and the summon when one dies def needs to reset the 30s timer as well. I think that would fix it to where you could still get multiple adds but theyd come once every 30s OR as soon as one is killed, not both.

Please fix Blizz. it feels real bad to get multiple adds unexpectedly.

Just lost a 15 key because of this. Back to platform @40%, try to hook, immune to hook, 2nd one spawns, kill first, 3rd one spawns, pull boss down again, 4th spawns, overwhelmed into wipe.

Just failed a 16 key b/c of this bug, and it’s not the first time it’s happened. This is still an issue and needs to be fixed. We shouldn’t be failing keys due to game bugs, especially when this was reported back in Dec., 2020.

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i had this issue today and it’s my second time depleting a key because of this bug.