Argent Outfitter is in Org in front of the bank for Horde
It’s not a bug. Zones which have skulls will have 2 or 3 necropolises floating with usually 3 sites in a triangle around it. After you kill mobs, the crystal hits 0% and the 4 summoners appear. After spawning and killing the 4 Shadows of Doom using 8 runes each, the site despawns, leaving 4 pink blobs.
After all the sites under a necropolis are cleared, the necropolis disappears for a while (30 minutes?) along with the Herald announcing in zone chat “We’ll be back” comment.
I’ve actually seen a necropolis spawn over it’s 3 despawned sites. A dark cloud appears and the necropolis decends down from it. Then starts pulsing it’s 2-3 sites… which then restart spawning mobs and rares, and the crystal respawns at 100%.
Over several characters, I’ve gotten maybe 600+ runes. Well aware how these work and there’s no bug as y’all have described. Not a bug, it’s a feature.
If only that chest would drop for us. PLATE this time.
I was specifically talking about the bug where there was no quartermaster in EPL and the Argent Outfitter in Org did not sell the tabard. This has since been fixed from my original post.
This was in response to the person who responded to me calling me a crybaby for stating there was a bug for Horde only on necrotic rune turn-ins.
ya got my tabard in org this morning. was referring to your comment “maps are bugged showing invasions when none exist in the zone”
He is in SW. Got my tabbard last night.
ah…initially there were skulls showing in zones where there were no active necropoli existed especially Winterspring and Azshara. I havent noticed this being as issue the last few days but havent been rune farming much
That’s because you don’t have a sense of humor and come here looking to argue
Oh weird “feature”. At level 68, I ground out runes to buy the hands and shoulders for my DK. Have to be 70 to buy the item. Not only equip it, but 70 to buy it. Had no problems buying other items like the tabard. Had to grind out 1.5 levels on my DK to hit 70 to buy the 2 items.
And prot pallies are OP. I was soloing Shadows of Doom with the freaking 20 mobs that pull along with it, come out over 75% hp and 100% mana. So later in a group with heals and dps, I spawned all 4. Someone said “that was risky” … pffft ok haha
Youd be surprised how many ppl are gonna go hard farming them then get all mad they can’t use them.
There will be a few posts for sure.
And hilarity will ensue
If you equip argent dawn commission or upgraded dps trinket like Seal of Dawn, the shadow of doom drop Corruptor and reg/rare mobs drop Invader scourge stones for those who were close to hitting exalted… just farmed 130 runes on this toon and got 15 corruptor and 96 invader scourgestones.
that was smart, wish I thought of it
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