Necromancer datamine?

You would think but Blizzard is hilariously gifted with their first attempt at doing something then somehow not being able to replicate that success on their second go. I.E Mythic+ in Legion vs M+ in BFA. Warforging which wasn’t a problem until they decided to expand the system, making expansions that progressively get worse with Legion being the one outlier where it was comparable to Cataclysm, far from its highest point of the game’s lifespan compared to TBC/Wrath but also far from the game’s lowest point of WoD and now BFA as far as most people are concerned.

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So its been over 2 hours, did anyone ever provide the datamine this supposedly came from?


I’m a strong believer that at launch theirs no new classes, but due to story and progress we will unlock a Necromancer/Lich style class…

Similar to allied races, theirs gonna be a time gate on this class.

Edit: Hoping OP posts where this datamine is coming from too, I can’t seem to find it.

Having a new class in a later patch like allied races would certainly be interesting.

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it was during the wowhead datamining livestream, they haven’t yet posted an article yet, there was other stuff too in the datamining section they saw but didn’t post, along with all those rocks.

My theory is during the expansion we learn about Necromancers and eventually learn their secrets to be able to create one.

Makes no sense having them unlocked from the beginning and the new starting zone leaves a lot open.

No, Unholy DKs are not Necromancers. Necromancers are not melee fighters… they are evil masterminds, Mages who turned to the dark side, sometimes dark spiritual leaders. They are not a dark, plated knight on horseback… they would avoid a direct battle at ALL costs.

There are elements that are missing from DK that the Necromancer can take and run with, namely the Apothecary and Witch Doctor angle. If there can be protection warriors and paladins, and also restoration druids and shamans, as well as frost DKs and mages, can there not be other similarly themed specs revolving around different gameplay loops?

All necromancers would be united by

  1. cloth armor
  2. cheap, spammable, dispensable minions
  3. able to create large constructs from combining their minions
  4. dark chemistry/technology
  5. different flavors of shadow magic (voodoo, blood, void, bone, etc.) as well as some niche frost, arcane, and even nature spells
  6. every kind of debuff (poison, disease, curse, magic)
  7. cauldrons!

If I had to choose three specs for the Necromancer, they would be:

The Apothecary - The archetypal mad scientist, ultimate evil inventor and destroyer of civilizations. A trap laying disease specialist and brewer of deadly oozes. A crafter of abominations and creator of weapons of mass destruction.

A spec inspired by Heigan the Unclean, and Professor Putricide.

The Lich - A powerful former arch mage who has ascended into a state of immortal undeath to obtain power from the Shadowlands. They bind, twist, and malform their enemies within their shadowy chains while still retaining many of their powerful frost and arcane spells from life. Perhaps their most notable unique trait is their ability to endlessly cheat death by binding their soul to a magical phylactery.

A spec clearly inspired by Kel’Thuzad.

The Witch Doctor - A dark spiritual leader that excels in brewing wild magical cauldrons as well as voodoo and nature magic. They employ torturous curses, hexes, and poisons, and command an army of minions to do their every bidding. While the Witch Doctor can command the undead, they prefer to not anger the spirits, and thus prefer to command living mindslaves instead. If the Witch Doctor is in danger of defeat however, they can always make a deal with the spirits in exchange for the… “borrowed” souls, mon. Bwomsamdi Laugh

A spec inspired by Jin’do the Hexxer and Bwomsamdi.

Sidenote: Imagine a construct made from living mindslaves!! It would be just like Legion from Castlevania! I’m telling you guys… there’s so many different flavors of Necromancer in the WoW universe just give it a shot .


Demonology warlock getting gutted to add DHs in the game intensifies

I think it is the planet they all congregate on, not the planet they are born from. It would be like a super earth or something, like 10x the size of Azeroth.

unless its Diablo 2 style Necromancer

I dont care

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Why do you want a Necro class? A vampire class would be nice instead of a Necro one. Imo…

you mean… there is broken code? that has never happened in any other game. After having a class take our abilities a necro feels like it would take more of them.

and what would that look like, exactly?

Paladins cannot use shadow magic.

I feel like in the world of Warcraft era, Vampire is a race more then class, San’lyn/Venthyr are great examples.

I could see Vampire Races be a Necromancer class.

It would look and feel like

The transformation would be like

Why people keep thinking an unholy DK is a necromancer.

A necromancer raises undead sure, but they fight at range with range attacks.

I see DKs similar to Necromancers but not the same, similar to Paladins and Priests, both use the light but not the same…

Theirs honestly room for Necromancers, people have given great ideas to separate both DKs from Necromancers without stepping on eachothers toes…

In lore itself in WoW Necromancers and DKs are two different things aswell, it’s not that Necromancers never existed…just given current events in WoW and were we are heading it’s a perfect time to be implemented…

People asking for Necromancers isn’t a new thing aswell…

Half the pally covenant skills do shadow damage. :^)

Would be nice to get a hero class that isn’t grimdark and edgy.

I feel like there’s so much redundancy in the theme between lock, DK and DH that having another class in that same vein would be a strange thing to balance.

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