Necromancer datamine?

necromancer is warlock/unholy dk
boom pets that can be summoned. Ghouls summoned from the dead. lol

I heard the same argument about having both demon hunter and warlock. Lock summons 1 demons. Necros summon a small army. That’s pretty different.

holy paladin is a priest

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Yes and they stopped being priests to pursue a new avenue, that was the whole point of it with Turalyon only becoming a true paladin the moment he realized what justice he was fighting for.

Of course it does, using fire magic makes you a pyromancer. It’s the same.

Then they (DKs) stopped being necromancers when they came to a new avenue. If it works for priest/paladin it works for necro/dk.

Except the game doesn’t have playable pyromancers. It has fire mages. So… try again.

all of you keep replying “paladin is a priest” need to realise that their two different classes that took awhole different route. What other route can you take from necromancy that isn’t summoning undead? That’s literally what necromancy is.

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Your right, Demonology warlock is your counterpart.

Plagues, acid, poison, undead, bone control, life control (could be an unorthodox healer even).

A paladin is literally a priest who empowers their martial abilities with the light while a priest casts them. A necromancer is a death knight who doesn’t use martial abilities but rather casts them. The difference between the 2 is the same.

Look I heard this argument as a reason we’d never get demon hunters. Since they were just warlocks who fought in melee and wore leather. And yet here we are.

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Necromancers didn’t become DKs, DKs were raised as undead servants and then were taught necromancy to become the Scourge champions.

It doesn’t have playable “necromancers” either, it was unholy DKs, so you literally just made my point.

unholy dk has all of that lmao

Im going to be so disappointed but not surprised if they had to cut them because of budget or some crap…

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Are we really going to pretend that the necromancy of a DK is on par to that of a dedicated necromancer?
Unholy use some necromancy magic, but it isn’t the same as a fully dedicated necromancer.


doubt theyre doing necromancers because theres a necromancer spec but id say its more likely for a whole different type of class such as tinker

You have unholy DK, and I like it that way. It is way different from the regular fantasy stereotype. Which is a great thing. Keep it this way. Don’t add the cliche robe wearing necromancer as playable please.


exactly. and itd still be the same thing with summoning undead to do your bidding lol. It doesn’t matter what armor the classes wear.

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Unholy DKs are fully dedicated to it and they are the scourge champions supposed to be the strongest of all. Arthas was a DK and the strongest necromancer even before becoming the LK, that’s why Kel’Thuzad was under him.


Eh… era 2 death knights where literally just plate wielding necromancers. The concept of them was then inflicted on any fallen warriors arthas could find during era 3. Same with Bolvar in era 4.

Sorry, but paladin=priest only holds water exclusively for human paladins.
Every other race that has paladins has them through different means.
They weren’t even the first to wield the light in such a way. Zandalari Prelates were.
And the lore only supports that particular facet because human priests were getting mowed down by Doomhammer’s warriors because they weren’t armored.
Death Knights are already armored and have a way to bring beings directly to them. It wouldn’t make logical sense from a lore perspective, if you want to try to act as how paladins were made by comparison.

No point to this thread unless op or any one else has a source tbh.


Ask any single nerd/dork/geek/gamer in the world and ask if a sword wielding, plate wearing knight of death is a necromancer. Id are you. I bet 99/100 will say no. Necromancers are clothies who summon hoards of minions that’s their fantasy going back to D&D. Death knight carries the same fraction of fantasy of necromancer as warlock does for demon hunter.